Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kuching Airport Edition

Date Happened : 29 March 2013

Kuching airport Edition :

eeehemm.... ... 2 weeks ago i went to Kuching to attend a wedding ... and as alot of you guys know that i have small little tiny tangki ( water tank - bladder) so once  the plane landed.. the 1st place i have to go surely is TOILET.....

So i went to toilet .... after pee.. then have to wash my hands right ?  when i was happily washing my hands.. i kid came in .... and he saw me .. and i looked at him .... 

He suddenly JAMMED break at the entrance.... and shout :

" jangan masuk!!! ada perempuan di tandas lelaki!"
( Don't go in , there is a GIRL in the male toilet)

Me : err..... dik... aku lelaki ... bukan perempuam ... masuk saja
(err... boy ... im a MAN .... not a GIRL.... just come in )

Kid : ehh... u bukan lelaki .... u perempuan!
(ehh.. U R NOT A MAN.. U R A WOMEN)

Me : Basket ( of course say in my heart la) .... up to you to believe la..

Then i just left the toilet , but the kid said this before i left the toilet:

Kid : Jangan masuk tandas lelaki sesuka hati...
( dont just come in to Male toilet as you like)

Me : WTF....
Dont let me see you again.....

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