Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Car Dealer Edition

Date Happened : 3 April 2013

Car Dealer Edition :

Okay guys ..... im sure some of you knew that i sold my precious Volvo early of the month ... so as usual .... i have to do  the normal standard procedure .... so when the day i went to collect my new car from the car dealer.... its sad to see my Volvo leaving me la..

So after i transferred all my stuffs from Volvo to my new car .... i sadly passed the Volvo car key .... 

And one of the sales man ( not the one served me) came to me and said ..

Sales man : MISS .... don't be sad .. i know how u feel .... we will take care of your car ...

basket ... me also damn bad mood..... summore he mistaken im a GIRL.... but i just keep quiet ..

Sales Man : MISS .... if you free.... u can call me ..

Cannot tahan already ...

Me : HALLO!! IM A MAN ....and please make sure you are talking to a man or women before you talk to me ok? ( with an extreamly DEEP tone MACHO VOICE)

Sales man : ohhh !!! sorry sorry ... i wont call u ....

Me : ~!@#$%^&*(

Dont do that to me again ....or else.....

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