Friday, October 19, 2012

Club Edition

Date Happened : October 6 2012 ( late night )

Club Edition :

Chester!! this edition is for you. Guys , although  i have long hair and look like a girl .... actually hor ... i dont like to go to clubbing ... seriously .. no joking .. im a very lazy GUY that love to chill at home :D

So because of Chester , you purposely come to KL  to celebrate your birthday , die die also have to go wan right? hahahaha

So this Butter Factory was my 1st visit .... it looks damn formal wei ... every customers need to check ID or even driving licence to allow you to enterthe club. Sound very high security and safe right? If you forget or didnt bring your ID .. very sorry la... u have no other choice to enter the club.

So when was my turn, i showed my ID to the bouncer :

Bouncer : wahahahaha.....

Me : why you laughed ? Anything wrong ?

Bouncer : hahahhaa nothing ....

Me : is it because i look like a girl in real person ?

Bouncer : hahahahahaha , actually yes.... actually is this your actual ID or u are using others?

Me : no way man .. this is real me .. my own ID

Bouncer : ahahahahah ... okok but u really look like a girl in real ...

Me : ...................

even the bouncer also make fun of me ..... not funny ...

Chester , happy birthday again !

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