Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seminar Edition

Date happened :16 September 2012

Houyeh! New type of edition , but still happened in the toilet.

I'm sure a lot of you guys know that my bladder is small , so I need to go to toilet oftenly. As usually , went to toilet ... Went in cubical ... Nothing happened . So far was safe la .. Then when I was washing my hands at the basin...the case happened .

There were 2 guys were came out from the urinal section and two of them talking happily and when they came to the basin area and they got shocked when they saw me .

One of the guy told his friend:

Guy A: wei! Girl in the toilet!
Guy B : ehh.. Yawor!

Then both of them stoned there and they don't know what to do...

Of course I know what happened already, I just look at them and smiled to them.. And I purposely made the sound "urgggg hummmm" in a deeply manly macho voice tone.

Then 2 of them released and they laughed , but they still look very embarrassed ..

Aiyor... I really donno what to say for this .. So classic this type of case...

The only thing i can do was LAUGH with them .. what elve i can do? :(

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