Tuesday, October 30, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 1)

Date happened : 9 October 2012

Episode 1:

Thanks to the busy schedules recently that i have to travel to few countries within a month. So now we have Hong Kong mini series, but this time also for working purpose la... And the cases of course , always started in the airport 1st .

Due to solo travel trip... i usually will take ERL ( KLIA Express Link) to the airport for the convenient and to avoid traffic jam.

And because i had avoided the traffic jam , i reached airport damn early.... ( I very mafan right?? reached early also complaint , reach late also complaint.. hoiyorrr!!)

So i was lucky that i am entitled to enter the premier lounge ( fuiyorr.. damn action... tell people i can enter premier lounge .. *lansi), so spent 2 hours in the lounge , chilled and relaxed ... and as usual .... my tangki got full easily due to i drank too much  water... naturally have to go to toilet...

For foreign readers:
*Lansi = it is a Cantonese word, usually Chinese will use this word to describe show off or action!, but please don't simply use this word , because this is a rude way to show your slight anger , please use it with care :P

Asked the cleaning lady where is the toilet , she guided me to the nearest toilet ... went in.... drama started ...

Basket , THIS IS FEMALE TOILET.... summore have 2 ladies touching up their make up at the basin area. 

I was panic .... i cant say sorry to them ... because once i used my deeply manly macho deep tone voice to say sorry to them , i will be in the deep shit.... 

So i just pretended, went in the toilet and came out straight, then i saw the cleaner who guided me to this female toilet ..

Me : Kak.... salah toilet la.... AKU LELAKI... BUKAN PEREMPUAN.....
(aunty .... im a MAN .... not a WOMEN)

Cleaner : hahahahahhaha ...... salah nampak la...
( ahahahahahhaha ... see wrongly)

Me : masih boleh ketawa......
(still can laugh)

The cleaner also didn't apologized to me , i just go back to my seat....

Haiyor.... why liddat wan???
Aunty bad ... she trapped me in female toilet :(

Stay tune for Episode 2..

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