Tuesday, October 9, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 5)

Episode 5:

yoooooooo!!! so fast already in Episode 5!!

Herewith all the previous Episodes yah :

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:

Okay ... due to the long tired day in Singapore... not because of the meeting but also those vomiting blood cases keep happening in a day ..... its kinda record breaking for me ... already more than 5 cases happened so far .... i thought the case will stop .. but it continues to happen even though i reached airport...

As many of you guys know that Changi Airport is one of the best Airport in the world , as the duty free zone is fantastic... you can spend few hours to shop there.. 

So i passed by Marc Jacobs store .... my girlfriend told me to check the price of one of the handbag there...

So when i walked in to the store .. there are 3 staffs greeted me ...

Staffs : Good evening MISS, may I help u ??

Me : err... .. good evening .... im helping my girlfriend to look for one of your handbag ... it in blue in color...

Staff A : Miss we didnt bring that range here.... why don't you try our latest handbags?? It suit you well !! ( it's a female handbag)

Me : Im here to help my girlfriend to look for handbag , not me :)

Staff B : come on ... dont be shy .. i know you like it ...

Me : its okay ... thank you .. (Basket !! how many times i told them im a MAN they still treated me like a girl... vomit blood wei )

Then i whats app my gf and told her dont have the colour  she wanted , but do have black in color, and she told me to go back and check for the price ..

So i went back to the store again ....

Staff B : hah!!! MISS! you are back!! i know you like our handbag ... come!! i let you try ....

Me : halloo... im really come back to check the price....

Staff B : dont be SHY MISS.... its okay ... you can try ...

Me : its okay .. i found the price... thanks....by the way ... im a MAN...its not right to call me MISS ( abit annoyed with the staffs there)

Staff B : Its okay .. dont shy ....

Me :.... ( i choosed not to talk and left the store)

aiiyoorrrrrrrr........ i damn pissed off wei ..... why like that????

Stay tune for the Grand FINALE Episode .....

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