Friday, October 12, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 6 - Grand Finale)

Episode 6 - Grand Finale

weeee.... at last ... we are now to the end of the Singapore Edition ..... so before i proceed... standard  procedure for those who never follow my episodes... hmmmm naughty naughty!!!

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:

Alright .... lets continue ... so after came out from the Marc Jacobs store.. abit headache ... so i just sat at the public sofa to take a rest due to i still too early to got o my platform for my flight ...

Oooyeh!! found an empty sofa ... settled down there ... due to long  tired day in Singapore.. woke up damn early to catch the flight and now already 9pm plus .... so its about 12 hours in Singapore....

My eyes were very very tired ... and when my eyes got tired... my tears will come out to moisture my eyes... so both my eyes were very watery lar... then horr!! the ang mo lady  ( means western people, or we call it Mat Salleh) sat next to me saw me and the drama started here ...

Ang Mo lady : awwww..... MISS what happened to you ?? why you cry??

Me : its okay .. no worries 

Ang Mo lady : nono its okay ... poor girl ... dont cry ... come tell me what happened? WE ARE WOMEN ... WE CAN SHARE ANYTHING....

Me : nonono ... really nothing happened ( basket i already talked to her with my manly voice.. but she still assumed im a girl)

Ang Mo Lady : come i give you a hug ( she just hugged me and comfort me )

Me : !!!!!!! (tooo surprised !! stoned there)

In my heart i was freaking syok laaa.... as she is kinda HOT wei!! got free hug from her..

After She comfort me and hugged me i faster told her that i have to go... of course la faster escape .. i don't wan to have any crisis when she realized im a REAL MAN  ....

So i faster got o the pharmacy in the duty free zone to get my self an EYEMO Moist ... because i dont want to have any this type of things happen again .... scary wei ...
For those who dont know what is Eye Mo Moist .. this it is.. if you still dont know what is this .... i also dont know how to help you already ..

Once i paid , i faster used this eye mo outside the pharmacy ... and may be i over used abit and the eyemo  flowed out from my eyes... 

Then a china small girl saw me and she asked her mum : "Mommy!!! why JIE JIE  crying there??"

WTF ??? i faster wiped my eyes and go to my flight platform .... because i dont want any cases happen again ...

haiyorrr!! what happened ??? i dowan to stay any longer here already ... i wanna go home!!!


WTF is wrong with the day huh??? i just spent one day in SG .. and it can really happened so many cases..

By the way ... thanks to all of you who follow this mini series....hope i can bring more International series to you guys in future yah :D

Tanchew berry muchi !!!! ( means thank you very much)

1 comment :

    classic! LOL

