Friday, November 23, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Grand Finale)

Grand Finale :

Epi 1 :

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4 :

Epi 5:

Epi 6:

Epi 7:

Okay guys , here with come to the grand FINALE.....good news is for those readers who dont  like this HK mini series, its the end for now.... so those normal daily cases will resume after this :)

Allright back to track for now yah after the painful shoe trying session nothing much happen ... UNTILLLLLLLLL....... when im about to leave ...

so i checked out my hotel and saw the cleaning lady when im leaving my room ..

Cleaner : Morning MISS

Me : Morning and im not MISS

Cleaner : So enough sanitary pad?

Me : (ignore her and proceed to the lobby)

When i was the Airport express train ... suddenly a aunty came to me and asked ....

Aunty : MISS can i sit next to you?

Me : Hi, yeah sure, go ahead  ( was in tired mood , lazy to explain)

Aunty : MISS .... where you from?

Me : Malaysia... by the way im a MAN ..

Aunty : Hoiyor!! why dont you tell me earlier?

Me : why i need to clarify?

Aunty : u better go to cut your hair!

Basket !! summore got lesson by aunty ......

Okay guys .... here it comes to the end of the mini series, i hope you guys love it .... and i cannot promise when is the next mini series i have to wait it happened yah :)

Lastly thanks all for so supportive and keep following my blog .... more cases to come and hope you all will like it!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 7)

Episode 7:

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4:

Epi 5 :

Epi 6 :

Fuiyor... terror this international edition have much episodes then the previous 2 international edition.

Woke up in the morning ...  ready to go to work , but when i opened my hotel room door, saw the room service aunty , she greeted me :

Aunty : Good morning MISS!

Me : Morning (lazy to explain)

Aunty : oh MISS i will place the sanitary pad on your toilet later ..

Me : why you need to place sanitary pad  in my toilet?

Aunty : because this is our hotel policy that we have to place female sanitary pad for female cutomer.

Me : aunty ... dont i look like a MAN? and i  dont sound like a women also right?

Aunty : nevermind , i will just place it in your toilet ...

She just ignore me like this .....

So far nothing happeend in the office - LUCKILY :D after work want to shop around in the city ...

And i saw a shop that sell the shoe i wanted ... so i went in the shop and wanna try ... so the shop owner came to me :

Me : Hi , can i have size 8 please?

Shop owner : aiyor... MISS , the shoe you are trying is a Male shoe.... female this side ... come over ...

Me : hahahahah .. nono .... im a MAN , and im trying the right shoe .... please let me try size 8 can?

Shop owner : aiyor...... im so sorry ..... but u really look like a girl....  let me go get you the size you want.

Me : Thank you ...

Shop owner : Erm.. sir.... the size you want dont have .... do you want to try the female size... its the same design with the Men's shoe....

Me : ermmmm ahh .... okay .... can try .... ( so once i tried it .. it really fits well)

Shop owner : ah harr... u really suit to be a girl .. u see you can wear female shoe.. and it fits u !

Me : hahahha ( actually i wanna sound up )  , its okay .. i dont think i will  take it . thanks anyway !

so i just returned the female shoe to the owner and left the shop :(
painful experience

Its not really a good expeienced u know... :(

Stay tune for grand finale!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 6)

Episode 6:

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3 :

Epi 4:

Epi 5 :

So after the not so friendly waiter incident , i just left the restaurant ... so i continue to shop around , then when i was walking on the street .. i saw a 24hr supermarket , no joking la....its not those convenient shop or 7-11 .. its really a supermarket.

Usually i will go to oversea supermarket when im free, because want to know what is the different between the countries .... so just went in ... and something caught my attention which is their candy sections... alot interesting candies there... and i saw a Hello Kitty soft candy ....  ohh okay guys .. need to clarify abit here... im not a Hello Kitty fans.... dont forget im a real MAN.... i took it because my girlfriend likes Hello Kitty stuffs... so i took it and walked around to see any new stuffs around ..
This is the Hello Kitty soft Candy i bought for my girlfriend...

So when im still exploring in the supermarket a girl came to me and asked me :

Girl : 小姐!( means MISS in Cantonese and mandarin) , where you get this Hello Kitty .. so cute !! You got taste ! I LIKED!

Me : erm.... i took it from the candy section .... by the way im not MISS.

Girl : nope.... it suits u MISS... thank you!

She just left happily like this .... me ler??? speechless la of course .. explained so much still called me MISS.

Episode 7 on the way!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 5)

Episode 5 :

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4:

So after working hours, i can have my own leisure free time to explore HONG KONG CITY! Ouuyeh~~

So I purposely wanted to try their MTR , their underground train . And i PURPOSELY  took the train during peak hours.... seriously ... not fun at all.. because it was so crowded  that every body have to squeeze in the train when the train door open. And when i was in the train .... it was so scary that every that every one is so near to each other.... there was a moment that when the train start moving ... i nearly kissed the girl next to me..... im sure you all will said " KISS la"  , but hor .. we all still also have to choose who to kiss wan mar... hoiyor!!!  its a aunty .... i cannot simply kiss aunty wei ... if a pretty girl .... ahhahahahaa , i dowan to elaborate ... ( damn i sound like pervert )

HK still a shopping heaven that you can get alot good deals and buys ... it a great place to shop ... so after i shopped ... leg also tired .... and hungry already .... so just went in one of the  local restaurant...

The waitress located me a place .. its actually shared table with others.. i realized HK alot  people eat alone.... and its normal in HK . So i settled down my self and ordered my food....

I order a set dinner ... so some of the staff started to send the food to me .... then suddenly a waiter came to me and said :

waiter : MISS your piggy bun ... ( it's actually a butter bun) - 猪仔包
This is the piggy bun for Hong Kong ....

Me : erm.. i think you sent wrongly ... i didn't order butter bun ...

waiter : yes you did .... the order form said MISS u ordered this set got butter bun.

Me :  ohh okay ... but they way .. im not MISS ...

waiter : never mind .. it dosent matter .....

He just walked away .... he even didn't apologized to me wei .... oii!!!

Stay tune for Episode 6 ..

Friday, November 9, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 4)

Episode 4 :

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Oookaaay......already rested 1 night ... so fully recovered lor... FULLY REFRESHED ,  1st time stepping in the HK office ... sure abit kelang kabut  ( means haywire .. or no direction - its a Malay word)

Once i stepped in the office ...  no body in the office , only the cleaner is cleaning the office...  she saw me and she asked me : ( all conversation in Cantonese , but i translate to English ) easy for me to write also :)

Cleaner : Good morning MISS, are you looking for some one ...

Me : Good morning ..... nono im oversea staff ....

Cleaner : Wah...... you are a MAN .... why you look like a girl?

Me : ahahhaa ..... im a MAN, but i dont think i look like a  girl :D

Cleaner :  ... ( she speechless)

Oh yes !!! this time opposition speechless! I won!

So meet alot Hong Kong colleagues  .... usual meetings and nothing happened.. halfway during the meeting , very thirsty .. so went to the pantry to get some drink... saw a colleague there.... she asked :

Lady colleague : hallo!

Me : Hallo ....

Lady colleague : actually i tot you are a girl this morning in the meeting

Me : hahahahhaa ... always happened ... no worries..

Lady colleague : i actually wanna ask where you bought your shirt ... i thought is a lady  shirt ...

Me : nono .. its MEN shirt ...

Lady colleague : ohh...

She looks abit upset ... ( sorry )

But ehh .. my hair long like girl only ... how come my shirt also like girl ???
how can they assumed im wearing a women's shirt??
Episode 5 on the way~~~!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 3)

Episode 3 :

Epi 1:

Epi 2:

Hehehehe ... okok.... at last now the cases started in Hong Kong already .... so  the whole flight was peaceful.... no cases at all .... but kinda tired already .... by the time i reached my hotel already around 11pm plus ... its late .... so i checked in the hotel and the hotel staff greeted me with :

Hotel Staff : Good evening MISS! welcome to Kapok Hotel!  ( please don't ask me why the hotel name KAPOK.. i know its abit weird)

Me : hi... good evening ( too lazy to explain .. due to the tiredness of the flight journey)

Hotel Staff : MISS can i have your passport for verification? ( still didn't realized im a MAN)

Me : here you go ( with slight deeply manly macho deep voice)

Hotel Staff : MISS .. you not feeling well? are you having soar throat?

Me : enough of calling me MISS... im a MAN and you can see it from my passport .

Hotel Stuff : ohh my .. im so sorry about that !! I DIDN'T REALIZED YOU ARE A MAN  ..

Me : is it soooo hard to REALIZE im a MAN?

Hotel staff : im so sorry ..

Me : its okay .. it happens always ...

Checked in my room .... felt abit hungry .... wanna get some food ... so went  down to the lobby ... saw the hotel staff .. dowan to ask her .... later i vomit blood again .... so i asked the guard ...

Me : Hi Sir where is the nearest coffee shop or restaurant?

Guard : You can just use the overhead bridge to cross over , there are some restaurants there .

Me : thanks mate :D

Guard : you are most welcome MISS :D

Me :   :(

Just too lazy to explain or argue again ....

Episode 4 on the way ...

Friday, November 2, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 2)

Episode 2:

Allright , herewith Episode 2 .... if you guys think this episode already in Hong Kong?? wrong already luuu... because there is still 1 more case that happened before i reached Hong Kong....

So after the toilet case in premier lounge... of course la damn bengang ( bengang means angry or hot tempered - its a Malay word ).. have to go to the platform of my flight...

Reached there... and we still have to do a final security check before enter the boarding hall.. as usual la.... when i passed thru the sensor sure trigger wan .. most of the guys will got it due to the belt....

To be nice to the security guard .. i just go infront of the security guard and lifted up my hand for him to check my body again ( i know sounds abit wrong when i said checked my BODY, but i really dont know how to describe already la)

The male guard just told her female guard to check me .... so after she checked me .... i just said " thank you " in a deeply manly low tone voice to her  ... and she got shocked ...

Female guard : Awak lelaki?? ( you're a GUY?)

Me : yealar! ( ABUDEN?) 

Female guard : Bang ! dia la lelaki ! ( bro .. he is a GUY)

Me : yeah ... and i donno y ur colleague still tell you im a girl...

Male Guard : dia memang tengok macam perempuan la.. ( He/she  really look like a girl la)

so they laughed again ... so i also have to entertain them wan right ... so i do laughed with them also.

Houyeh!! Female guard checked my body !! feels good!

Episode 3 coming!!
