Friday, November 23, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Grand Finale)

Grand Finale :

Epi 1 :

Epi 2:

Epi 3:

Epi 4 :

Epi 5:

Epi 6:

Epi 7:

Okay guys , here with come to the grand FINALE.....good news is for those readers who dont  like this HK mini series, its the end for now.... so those normal daily cases will resume after this :)

Allright back to track for now yah after the painful shoe trying session nothing much happen ... UNTILLLLLLLLL....... when im about to leave ...

so i checked out my hotel and saw the cleaning lady when im leaving my room ..

Cleaner : Morning MISS

Me : Morning and im not MISS

Cleaner : So enough sanitary pad?

Me : (ignore her and proceed to the lobby)

When i was the Airport express train ... suddenly a aunty came to me and asked ....

Aunty : MISS can i sit next to you?

Me : Hi, yeah sure, go ahead  ( was in tired mood , lazy to explain)

Aunty : MISS .... where you from?

Me : Malaysia... by the way im a MAN ..

Aunty : Hoiyor!! why dont you tell me earlier?

Me : why i need to clarify?

Aunty : u better go to cut your hair!

Basket !! summore got lesson by aunty ......

Okay guys .... here it comes to the end of the mini series, i hope you guys love it .... and i cannot promise when is the next mini series i have to wait it happened yah :)

Lastly thanks all for so supportive and keep following my blog .... more cases to come and hope you all will like it!

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