Friday, May 31, 2013

Toilet Edition (Kid version)

Date Happened : 30 May 2013

Toilet Edition (Kid version):

Allright ... its time for Toilet Edition again!!!Toilet is my favorite edition.. because its the most cases happened ... it very fail to happen :D ( you see lar.... im already immune until i so happy those cases happened.... very entertaining horrr? ) 

This case happend in Grand Millennium hotel KL  ... i went there to meet my oversea colleague ... so as usual lor... reached that hotel , colleague have not came down to the lobby ... as u all know i have a small tangki ( water tank / bladder) .. so i just proceed to the toilet ...

When im peeing at the urinal happily ( why happy? of course la happy ... can release mahhh)..

Suddenly a small boy came in ..... and i looked at him..... he looked at me ...... i know what happened already ...

Small boy : JIE JIE!!! why U pee here??

Me : Why i cannot pee here?

Small boy : you should go in the cubical to pee!

Me : i dont see any problem to pee here ...

Small boy : SHAME ON YOU!

Me : ~!@#$%^&* 

Me : Do you know im a MAN .... like you ?

Small boy : but you dont look like.... shame !

Me :.... [oh bah lat(blood)  = means vomit blood in Cantonese ]  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nephew Edition ( Conversation)

Date Happened : 27 May 2013

Nephew Edition ( conversation) :

Okay ... this edition will be slightly different, as this incident its not about my nephew mistaken im a girl .... if this really happened means my nephew never meet me before jor....

Okay .. its school holiday now .. so my elder sister who married to  Kuching  came to visit me and my mum in KL .....

So this case happened like that .... i was chilling in my room ... and my nephew came into my room and he sat on my chair and talked to me like  a LOU SAI  ( like a BOSS) he is only 8 years old ..

Niece : JIU JIU ( means uncle )

Me : ya?

Niece: Why your hair so long?

Me : i like it ... is there any problem?

Niece : nope.... but its long .... why you dont want to cut it?

Me :  Told you already ... i like long hair ...

Niece : but hor.... the quality of your hair is nice.... ( wuoahhhh. .. summore commented on my hair quality)

Me : ahhhh .. thanks :)

Niece : But if you still dont cut your hair ... you will LOOK LIKE A GIRL..

Me : noneed will.. i now i already look like a girl now ...

Niece : why you still dowan to cut your hair? ( asked again )

Me : i like long hair ( abit annoyed )

Niece : you no money to cut your hair izzit??

Me :.............
aiyorrr.... kids nowadays....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Club Med Edition

Date Happened : 17 May 2013

Club Med Edition :

Hi Guys !!! im sorry that that i didn't update my blog last week as i went to Club Med for a short trip.... it was a good relax trip i would say :)

So this case was happened like that ... teng teng teng teng !!

it was 7am ... ehh .. of course i was sleeping happily like a baby la... suddenly the phone in the room rang ...

I had no choice to wake up and pick up the phone :

me : hallo ...

stranger : bonjour !! ( wtf is this man .. at first i tot is a french guy)

Me : nono bonjour .. wrong number..

stranger : bonjour is this room 2177?

Me : yes, but im not the one u are looking ... wrong number...

stranger : sorry ( then hanged up the phone)

after 15 sec

He called again and same thing happened...

after 2 mins ... some one knocked my room ... i know is him already ...

then i waked up again from my bed .... and i opened the door....

This old uncle saw me and said :

Ahhhhhh!!! im sorry.... MISSS!!! and he ran away .....

i was top less with a purple polka dots boxer ....  and i think he SAW A TOPLESS NO BREAST WOMEN (airport) WITH PURPLE POLKA DOTS BOXER ....

and he got shocked and felt guilty ...

basket!!! whats wrong with him ??

and the best part is my GF can slept so well for these whole incident ... and i kena interrupt for 3 times at 7AM in the morning during my holiday .... 

uncle ..dont let me see you again ... you ruined my holiday ....

Friday, May 10, 2013

McDonald's Edition (Hello Kitty)

Date Happened :  2nd May 2013

McDonald's Edition :

Its been a while we dont have any fast food or Mc Donald's As you guys know recently they came out with some Hello Kitty soft toys campaigns.... and of course la is a good news for all the Kitty's fans :D

This is the one ....

The statement above included my GF ... she's also likes Hello Kitty.... so as a BF ... i will try to buy her all Kitty wan ma right??? This is to show some love baybeh !! ( sorry yah ... abit syok sendiri... too over already )

P.S for foreign readers - Syok Sendiri = Self entertain ..

So as usual ..... i went to one of the McD nearby  and ordered a value meal and asked for the Hello Kitty Doll.... nothing happened ... and i just looked a a seat to have my lunch ..... its a little bit awkward that some of the ladies are looking at me weirdly .... surely they will think why la this guy holding a Hello Kitty doll ... the scene is a bit weird..

Okay ... once i sat down at the corner... and when im enjoying my lunch .... there was a family sat next to my table ... and the little daughter looked at me.... and i looked back at her ... and just smile courtesy abit right?Then suddenly the little girl asked his mum ..

Little girl : Why JIE JIE got Hello Kitty ... i dont have ?

Mother : Because JIE JIE big liau ,a.. she can buy HER own Hello Kitty :) Now you still small you cannot buy yourself yet.

Little girl : I must faster grow up and buy my Hello Kitty like JIE JIE ( pointing at me )


Me : hallo..... althought im wearing a pink shirt + i have LONGER hair ... it doesn't mean im a JIE JIE ... and im buying this Hello Kitty doll fo rmy GF :)

And the whole family stone 9 jor ...

P.S Stone 9 jor = stoneed there = got shocked and stand still for a while doing nothing

Don't call me JIE JIE.....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Election Edition ( Election Day)

Date happened : 5 May 2013

Election Edition ( Actual Election Day):

Okay guys.... i know alot of you guys are actually very extreamly disappointed with the election result and the way of they handle the votes... fully truly MAGIC Show lor....

So , no surprised.... there are 2 cases  happend during my voting :)

1st case is when we are at the counter to check our calun and saluran....when they are checking my saluran , one of the girl that checked my status she said :

Staff : ehh .... dia record sini adalah Lelaki la... salah gender ...
( eh... her ( me) record here is MALE ... wrong gender )

Me : EH!! aku LELAKI lah! betul gender
(eh ... im a MAN .... correct gender )

Staff : woooo..... soli soli .... im so sorry ...

Me : ~!@#$%^&*

Que up for nearly 2 hours and she asked me this question... basket ....

So i proceeded to my "saluran" which is the voting room.... so we need to check again in the voting room..nothing happened until the staff that need to "manicure my finger"

Staff :  MISS ..... you are right or left handed?

Me : IM  RIGHT HANDED ( super duper deep tone macho lowest tone ever)

Staff : You are a guy? ( aiyorr.... don't ask stupid question can??)

Me : If not ??? just now the he ( the 1st staff that read my IC detail) did said LELAKI ( Male ) la...

Staff : ... ( speechless)  not even a sorry...

U see lah.... this is our country....

the result of the election already so disappointed , summore kena  insulted during the voting  day...hopeless...

Lastly ... here i share a video about DEMOCRACY

Thursday, May 2, 2013

So call toilet Edition

Date Happened : 17 April 2013.

So Call Toilet Edition:

Okok.. i know y you will ask  y lah this edition called " So Call" toilet edition , this is because this incident happened at the entrance of the toilet .....

This case happened in Bangsar Villege Shoppping Mall ( for foreign readers Bangsar Village  is a shopping mall ya ... please don't mistaken its a village)

Okok...... this is how it happened .... as u guys know i have super mini tangki ( bladder= water tank) as i need to go to toilet very often ... especially during raining days.. basket, 1 hour have to go 2 times.... 

So when i came out from toilet , i was checking my email thru my mobile phone ( nearby the entrance of the toilet) ... suddenly i feel someone is pulling my shirt from bottom...( not ghost la...) 

And i looked down... awww.... a small little cute girl ....

Cute little girl : JIE JIE!! can you please bring me to toilet ?

Me : ahhh ... err...hallo ( she's too cute .. i cannot be rude to her)... i wish i can bring you to toilet ... but i cant little girl ... because im  MAN..... i cant enter female toilet .... im sorry .. and where is your mummy?

Cute little girl : (pointing at her mother) Mummy there.... she said she is pregnant ... toilet floor wet ... cannot go ...

Me : ohh okay ... then you look for other JIE JIE to bring you to toilet ok?

Cute little girl : MUMMY!! SHE is KOR KOR! not JIE JIE ( damn loud.... freaking malu wei)

The mother : aiyor..... wah you look like girl wei ...

Me : hahahaha.. its okay it always happened ... since she needs to go to toilet ... do you mind i bring her in to male toilet instead of female toilet? now u know im a MAN..

The mother : ahhh no choice by now ... okok sure .. sorry and thanks for your help ...
hahahahhhaha ( she cannot tahan already ..... she laughed)

So i really brought her to MALE toilet and passed her back to her mother ...

This case abit hard to handle emotion , because i cannot show any anger....the feeling is weird  wei...

aiyor.... she so cute that i cant show any anger.... how lah like that?
