Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Election Edition ( Election Day)

Date happened : 5 May 2013

Election Edition ( Actual Election Day):

Okay guys.... i know alot of you guys are actually very extreamly disappointed with the election result and the way of they handle the votes... fully truly MAGIC Show lor....

So , no surprised.... there are 2 cases  happend during my voting :)

1st case is when we are at the counter to check our calun and saluran....when they are checking my saluran , one of the girl that checked my status she said :

Staff : ehh .... dia record sini adalah Lelaki la... salah gender ...
( eh... her ( me) record here is MALE ... wrong gender )

Me : EH!! aku LELAKI lah! betul gender
(eh ... im a MAN .... correct gender )

Staff : woooo..... soli soli .... im so sorry ...

Me : ~!@#$%^&*

Que up for nearly 2 hours and she asked me this question... basket ....

So i proceeded to my "saluran" which is the voting room.... so we need to check again in the voting room..nothing happened until the staff that need to "manicure my finger"

Staff :  MISS ..... you are right or left handed?

Me : IM  RIGHT HANDED ( super duper deep tone macho lowest tone ever)

Staff : You are a guy? ( aiyorr.... don't ask stupid question can??)

Me : If not ??? just now the he ( the 1st staff that read my IC detail) did said LELAKI ( Male ) la...

Staff : ... ( speechless)  not even a sorry...

U see lah.... this is our country....

the result of the election already so disappointed , summore kena  insulted during the voting  day...hopeless...

Lastly ... here i share a video about DEMOCRACY

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