Thursday, May 2, 2013

So call toilet Edition

Date Happened : 17 April 2013.

So Call Toilet Edition:

Okok.. i know y you will ask  y lah this edition called " So Call" toilet edition , this is because this incident happened at the entrance of the toilet .....

This case happened in Bangsar Villege Shoppping Mall ( for foreign readers Bangsar Village  is a shopping mall ya ... please don't mistaken its a village)

Okok...... this is how it happened .... as u guys know i have super mini tangki ( bladder= water tank) as i need to go to toilet very often ... especially during raining days.. basket, 1 hour have to go 2 times.... 

So when i came out from toilet , i was checking my email thru my mobile phone ( nearby the entrance of the toilet) ... suddenly i feel someone is pulling my shirt from bottom...( not ghost la...) 

And i looked down... awww.... a small little cute girl ....

Cute little girl : JIE JIE!! can you please bring me to toilet ?

Me : ahhh ... err...hallo ( she's too cute .. i cannot be rude to her)... i wish i can bring you to toilet ... but i cant little girl ... because im  MAN..... i cant enter female toilet .... im sorry .. and where is your mummy?

Cute little girl : (pointing at her mother) Mummy there.... she said she is pregnant ... toilet floor wet ... cannot go ...

Me : ohh okay ... then you look for other JIE JIE to bring you to toilet ok?

Cute little girl : MUMMY!! SHE is KOR KOR! not JIE JIE ( damn loud.... freaking malu wei)

The mother : aiyor..... wah you look like girl wei ...

Me : hahahaha.. its okay it always happened ... since she needs to go to toilet ... do you mind i bring her in to male toilet instead of female toilet? now u know im a MAN..

The mother : ahhh no choice by now ... okok sure .. sorry and thanks for your help ...
hahahahhhaha ( she cannot tahan already ..... she laughed)

So i really brought her to MALE toilet and passed her back to her mother ...

This case abit hard to handle emotion , because i cannot show any anger....the feeling is weird  wei...

aiyor.... she so cute that i cant show any anger.... how lah like that?

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