Friday, May 31, 2013

Toilet Edition (Kid version)

Date Happened : 30 May 2013

Toilet Edition (Kid version):

Allright ... its time for Toilet Edition again!!!Toilet is my favorite edition.. because its the most cases happened ... it very fail to happen :D ( you see lar.... im already immune until i so happy those cases happened.... very entertaining horrr? ) 

This case happend in Grand Millennium hotel KL  ... i went there to meet my oversea colleague ... so as usual lor... reached that hotel , colleague have not came down to the lobby ... as u all know i have a small tangki ( water tank / bladder) .. so i just proceed to the toilet ...

When im peeing at the urinal happily ( why happy? of course la happy ... can release mahhh)..

Suddenly a small boy came in ..... and i looked at him..... he looked at me ...... i know what happened already ...

Small boy : JIE JIE!!! why U pee here??

Me : Why i cannot pee here?

Small boy : you should go in the cubical to pee!

Me : i dont see any problem to pee here ...

Small boy : SHAME ON YOU!

Me : ~!@#$%^&* 

Me : Do you know im a MAN .... like you ?

Small boy : but you dont look like.... shame !

Me :.... [oh bah lat(blood)  = means vomit blood in Cantonese ]  

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