Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Car park Edition

Date Happened : 21 June 2012

Car park Edition :

Guys.... recently really alot robbery cases happened in car park , especially in shopping malls. So girls, please please please be EXTRA alert when you are in the car park OK? ESPECIALLY when YOU ARE ALONE!

This case happened at 1Utama shopping center , after i bought my stuff from Jusco  , it was around 9.30pm plus, and it was a weekday... so not much peoples in the mall... 

So when im done with my shopping , i walked towards my car ..... and  there was a security guard keep following me... i felt weird lor...

Me : Sir?? why you are following me? 

Guard : MISS is our job to company single FEMALE driver to their car

Me : deng!!! never mind ... IM A GUY 

Guard : nono .. my partner said you are a girl , so i have to company you to your car...

Me : (donno i should laugh or cry....) .... okok thank you ....


It is good that the guard in 1Utama is doing his job :D , but i really felt weird that he really company me to my car .....it really really weird lor.. ..

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