Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tennis Edition

Date Happened : 29 June 2012

Tennis Edition:

Yoooo..... its been sometime no tennis cases already .... BUT it happened again !! okok here you go :

I was playing tennis with my buddy ... and there was a coaching class next to my court , and for sure there were some small kids under coaching ..

It was a 2hours non stop stroking tennis sessions for me , and after the sessions my t-shirt was 100% wet and my sweat was dripping... ewwwww~~

My buddy went to the toilet to shower, and i usually will change a new t-shirt, here it comes....when i undress my self at he court ( only topless la!! not fully naked!)

One of the small boy came near to me and said :

Small boy : JIE JIE!! you cannot undress here.... you shame shame!!

Me :......... ( donno wanna laugh or cry seriously)

Me : ... errm.... me not JIE JIE, im KOR KOR... so i can change here ok?

Small boy : nolor.... ur hair long long ... so u are jie jie.... u must go to toilet to change... shame shame...

Me : speechless..... i just changed  and left the court...

Small boy : you see this JIE JIE change clothes in public... shame shame ( he was telling his friend)

Me : ............

I have no boobs wei.....y  he still keep calling me JIE JIE ?? basket!

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