Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lift Edition : 1 Utama

Date happened : 12 June 2012

Lift Edition:

Okay another lift edition .. Seems like recently lift is more happening than toilet when it comes to gender mixed up cases.

Went to gym at 1u this afternoon , and usually in park my car at basement and use the life to the gym which located at the higher level.

The lift door open halfway and there are a bunch of secondary school students came in .. About 7 to 8 of them came in , and there are few more playing games those in the lift apologized wait their friend.. Of course I said okay.

Then one of the boy in the lift shouted at the friends out of the lift:

"wooi !! Faster come in! Got a lady in the lift, don't let ladies wait la! "

Then I look at him and he said :

"I'm very sorry miss .. "

Then I look at them and smiled.. When I'm about to leave the lift I told them :

"guys ... I'm a guy not a LADY "

Then they all stoned and keep quiet...

YOU all form 5 secondary school student still don't know how to differentiate a  genuine girl or guy with long hair??

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