Friday, July 6, 2012

Toilet Edition - Cinema

Date Happened : 22 June 2012

Toilet Edition: 

Her face

Had movie at GSC Cinema @1U, i have a habit that before i entered the movie hall i MUST go to toilet to pee, because i have a very small tangki ( water tank = which is bladder la) , my close friends know that i must go to a place to that have toilet , if not i will die wei..

Okay .. so i went to the toilet ... deng deng deng!.... nothing happened !!  weird right? although some of the guys kept looking at me... but nothing interesting happened ...

Finished pee, washed hands and i walked out of the toilet , here is the weird thing.... i girl actually went in to the MEN's toilet which i just came out ..

Hohoho! i knew what happened already .....she went in , and i heard a shout from her " AHHHH!" then she ran out from the men's toilet...

hehehe .... she looked at me... and i pointed her the female's toilet, then only she went in the toilet correctly with blushed face ....

And now she knows how i feel every time i entered men's toilet

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