Thursday, August 30, 2012

Social Media Edition

Date Happened : 25 July 2012

Social Media Edition (Wechat) :

okay something new huh :D .. alright recently i just downloaded an social media apps call WECHAT, its something like whats-app , but alot  people from China loves to use this apps. Due to this app can talk to alot strangers nearby you , so you can just chat with each other easily...

wechat logo
So this is how it happened, after tennis took bathed and chilling at home suddenly got a new message notification on my phone .

When i on the wechat apps, the screen popped out a new conversation page:

to protect his profile i will name him STRANGER!

Stranger : Hallo , how are you? ( already feel awkward , y got a guy message me like that)

Me : Hi , im good  :)

Stranger :  Hi pretty ...mind to be friend? 

Me: errrr....... are you sure? im a guy...

Stranger : don't play with me la... you just shy to talk to me and tell me you are a guy izzit ( he sent a voice messege to me - wechat can send voice message in the same chat  page )

Me : Bro... im really a guy , and i don't want to disappoint you .. im a real MAN.. no fake.. original guarantee..

after i told him this , he never reply at all.. just keep quiet ---> OWNED!!!!!

next time see properly before tackle me ok ? mr.stranger you really owned this hope..

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 1 July 2012

Toilet Edition :

Wooohooooo!! went to Publika's for their famous Fatboy's Burger for dinner !!

For some of the readers that dont know where is Publika, it is a new shopping / hang out place located at Solaris Dutamas ( which near by Mon't Kiara area).

Got me and my GF a seat at Fatboy's Burger, suddenly my tangki red light ( means need to peee la) some of you guys know that i have a small bladder.. so i need to go to pee kinda often :(

When i went in the toilet , there was a guy was peeing at the urinal, and he was on the phone while peeing ( multitasking yah)

I choose to use the cubical , when i was peeing , i heard that guy's conversation on the phone :

Toilet guy ( sorry for him la.. i dont know his name ) - i only listened to his conversation, and i donno what his friend talking to him.

Toilet Guy talking to his friend, then suddenly i heard his conversation below :

Toilet Guy : ehh..... i think i saw A GIRL came in to my toilet la....

Toilet Guy : really lah..... don't laugh! i think i came in the wrong toilet, but im using the urinal now la.... 

Toilet Guy : yealor.. i think SHE ( ME) came in to the wrong toilet laa ....

Toilet Guy : then i mah SIT TAI?? ( means wasted/rugi/ its a lost).. SHE saw me peeing you know?

Toilet Guy : wah faster chao ( means run) later SHE come out ... i shy shy wei....


And i heard he went out the toilet without washing his hand.... tsk tsk tsk .. dirty boy...
Next time look at people properly before you say people is a GIRL!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Linked Edition

Date Happened : 19 August 2012

Linked Edition:

Hmmm... seems like not me person in real will mislead people that i look like a girl..... even those professional social network  also can happened thru my photo...

I never met this guy before , but he already thought im a girl already..


I really nothing to say .... speechless......

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Finale Episode [total of 6 episodes])

Finale Episode :

Hooray !! its a  the FINALE of the series!!!! 

And this is the procedure again ... if you missed out all the episode , here you go :

hehehe.... here comes the Finale....

After i got insulted MAX of coming out from female toilet ..... so i have to que up for the final security check before i entered the duty free zone....

And it was kinda strange that they separated gender in 2 lanes.... 1 lane is for female and another lane is for Male... and IM A MEN .. obviously i need to que up at the MEN's lane....

But it was awkward that the male crowd were looking at me like im an ALIEN!!! and i knew what happened  already ..... but i still have to stand at the male's lane ....

There were 2 guards keep looking at me.... and they came over to talk to me :

Guard: Madam, this is Men's lane, can you please proceed to female lane over there?

Me : Sir.... this is kinda awkward..... but im a MEN.... real MEN.... and its not right for me to que up at the female lane ( i would like to go to female lane wei... coz shorter que , and i can see the hot female security guard checking every female's body by touching.. woohooo!! )

Guard : Madam..... please ... this is not funny .. im serious ( he looked very fierce)

Me : SIR... this is my passport.... and it stated IM A MALE FOR THE can i que up in this lane  SIR? ( showed him my passport)

Guard : im sorry .... please forgive me....

Me : No worries ...

So i entered the duty free zone with this dramatic scene that alot of passengers looking at me....damn malu ( embarrass) wei ...

And when im on the flight .... one of the stewardess came to me and gave me a pillow set and said :

Stewardess  : Hi Madam .... welcome to Malaysia Airlines, and this is a pillow set for female :D

Me : Thank you ! ( dont want to explain  already ... coz no blood to vomit anymore)


So guys , I hope you all enjoy the whole Incredible India series.... after i spoken to my India colleague about my incident... they told me the reason why i always got mistaken as a girl :

1) Indian guy hair are usually curly ...and mine is extremely straight 
2) Indian guy usually have short hair... and mine is silky smooth long hair...
3) My skin is slightly fairer than usual asian  ( this makes me look like a girl)
4) Im not tall.... so i look like a girl in overall with my long hair) ... means not macho enough laaaaa

seriously....... this was my "gender mixed up cases" for my incredible India trip....very painful wei....

Thank you very much for the support for this India series :D

Friday, August 17, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 5 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 5 :

Yooooo!!! Episode 5 is here... im sorry if some of you get bored with this mini series.... will end very soon ya :D

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Okay ..... its been a week in India, and its time to go home ( Malaysia) :D...already immuned with the honk and jam break in India .... nothing annoy me ...

Reached Bangalore airport.... my driver helped me to unload my luggage... and gave him some tips due to his good service to drive me around for the whole week.

so i have to find my counter to check in my luggage, yeap... found  Malaysia Airlines counter  ... its so nice that there is a staff that help you to carry your bag to put on the counter check in every weight platform.
Yes, this is the check in counter platform i meant ..
When was my turn ... the counter staff greeted me me with 

Counter staff : Good evening Madam!!!  welcome to Malaysia Airlines :D

Me : Hallo .. good evening ! ( im just too lazy to explain to her... and i just gave her my passport to check in)

Counter Staff : ohhh .. im sorry SIR , just now i greeted you Madam, after i saw your passport and realized that you are a MEN. ( aiyorr..... need to realize summore...... vomit blood jorrrr)

Me : Its okay ... you are not the 1st one... it happens, always ..

Counter Staff : Sir... due to the mistake i did... i arrange you alone in the whole stretch of seats... so you can have a better sleep and rest during the flight ... are you fine with it SIR?

Me : Really?? .... thats very kind of you :D thank you very much :)               (ouuyehhhh!!! i got 3 empty seats ... i can lye down and sleep straight in the plane!) - the privilege of being gender mixed up!

Counter Staff : Your welcome , my pleasure :)

So before i  entered the departure hall... my tangki( bladder) got full again ... so i have to go to the nearest toilet before i go in to the departure hall....found the toilet .. wanted to get in... but ....

Cleaner : Madam , this is male toilet....yours is this side ( she blocked me, and dont allow me to enter the male toilet)

Me : Im a MEN , and i belong to this male toilet , and please dont waste my time.. im in rush ( im really wanna pee jorrrr- tangki gonna pecah(means exploded) soon)..

Cleaner : Madam ... please dont play with me.... please this way to female toilet... ( WTF is wrong with him?  said im playing with him wei??)

Me : okay!!! seems like you insist me a MADAM, and YOU WANT ME TO ENTER FEMALE TOILET RIGHT???

Cleaner : Yes Madam....

Me : ok fine! ( i just went in female toilet) (First time in my life i can entered female toilet legally)
I can enter into female toilet LIKE A BOSS.... male readers can you?? MUAHHHAHA! ( evil laughed)

I finished peeing in the cubical.. obviously .. because there are no urinal in female toilet .... when i came out from the cubical.... i saw 2 indian ladies putting up some make up at the basin in front of mirror ....

So i walked to the basin and looked at them.... ( im ready for them to shout or scream when they see a guy(me) in the female toilet )

When they 2 looked at me ( for few seconds...) .... they continue putting on their make up and ignore me....wahlau ehhhhh!! im i really look like a girl meh??

I went out the female toilet , the cleaner summore said " thank you Madam!"

I really felt insulted lor..... basket!!!!

this is very painful wei!!....... heart pain .....whyyy??? tell me why???
To be continue for the last Episode..

Stay tune for Finale Episode!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 4 [total of6 episodes])

Episode 4:

Dear all readers....... here comes Episode 4, and again if you missed out Episode 1- 3

Here you go :

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

I'm staying in this hotel for a week..... so every morning i will go to the cafe to have my breakfast and without fail, all the staff greeted me with 

" GOOD MORNING MADAM" ... which was already used to it ......

I went to the gym twice in  a week.... but there was a awkward moment happened in the gym, which was when i was running at the treadmill, some of the cleaners actually keep looking at me when im doing my workout... and i can tell you it really feels weird man.. imagine 3 cleaners looking at you when you are running on the treadmill....  i was sweating like hell... and suddenly 2 cleaners came to me and said :

Cleaner  A & B : MADAM!!!! herewith  a new towel to wipe your sweat and a botel of water for you to drink...

To be honet i was damn impressed with their service man ..... i feel like im a king .... got people serve me towel and water when im sweat..... 

But WTF is wrong with me?? why all staffs and cleaners love to address me as MADAM??? why??

Me : thank you very much ( i will feel bad if i argue with them that im a real MEN, since they treated me so well)

There was a very sweet thing about this hotel is , they do serve complementary fruit platters everyday :D

So every day i called the room service and they will serve me the fruits...

Its been 4 days was the same staff served me the fruits .. and this is what happend :

knock knock knock! 

I opened the room door...

Staff A : Good evening Madam!!! herewith your daily complementary fruit platter....

Me : hallo ! hey.... its been 4 days ... you still greeted me as a MADAM?? and i already corrected you every day that im a SIR or MR....why you still call me MADAM??

Staff A : im so sorry Madam ..... nono i mean SIR....

Me : dont i look like a MEN now? im wearing a blue boxer, and a white t-shirt.... and im not wearing any lacy sleepwear or pink pants.....
My GF was skype(ing) with me , and she laughed kinda loud when she heard Staff A greeted me as a Madam..

Staff A : im so sorry SIR and please enjoy your fruits... good night MADAM!

Me : good night ....  you just call me MADAM again...dont call me Madam anymore please ......
seems like they all really like to call me madam... FML... 
haiyor............ to be continue for Episode 5.....

Friday, August 10, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 3 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 3:

So after i left the airport ( already vomited 3 times in a roll) felt abit wanna faint due to lack of blood.

if some of you missed out episode 1 and 2 , nevermind, herewith the link:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

okok... back to episode 3 now...

After 1 hour of car drive ( my god ... the driver in india just love to honk man .... they will honk what ever they see, in malaysia , we will honk when people block your way la... double park that you cant move out la.... and all sorts of  annoying behaviors , but in india , the drivers here will honk when they see any cars or see any people walking on the street , impressive) Imagine me lack of blood + the whole 1hr journey listening my driver keep honking all the way to my hotel .....

At last reached my hotel... wohoooo... its a very nice 5 stars hotel :)
Matthan Hotel - Bangalore

Staffs there very polite and helpful, their staff helped me to unload my luggage and greeted me :

Staff A : Good evening Madam! 

Me : Good evening , but im not madam :)

Staff A stoned there for few seconds....

When i reached the reception, 2 staffs greeted me :

Staff B & C : welcome to Matthan Hotel Madam! its pleasure to meet you!

Me : Thank you !! (and i lazy to explain , and i have to give them my passport for verification.)

Staff C : whoopppss.... im so sorry SIR to address you as a Madam just now, as you look like a Madam... 

Me : its okay , alot people mistaken me as well :)  ( actually i already vomit blood 4th time )

Staff A escorted  me to my room , while we walking to my room , Staff A said :

Staff A : Madam, gym is at 2nd floor and the cafe its at ground floor :)

Me : Sir... im a guy, just like you , not Madam....

Staff A : Im so sorry Madam! nono i mean SIR....

Me : Vomit blood 5th time.....

Ooiii!!! how many times you need me to tell u  im not MADAM??

Some of the interior scenes of the hotel:

Allright i need to sleep and get some rest due to lost too much blood in 1 day...

To be continue for Episode 4..... Stay Tune.....

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 2 [total of 6 episodes])

Episode 2

Okay .. If you guys missed out episode 1 here is the link :

As this is the second episode.

Still at the airport, already kinda hot tempered due to the weird cleaner.

India airport its kinda strict , wherever u go also need to do scanning and verification. Before I exit the arrival hall, I need to do a final scan, the custom saw me and check my passport , he said:

Custom :"Madam , your photo in your passport look like a guy, I think it's time to change your photo"
(In India, all people will address me MADAM.. this is standard. so no MISS, AUNTY, Leng Lui and etc)

Me : Sir I'm a real man... And in the passport already stated that I'm a male , so I think it's fine that my passport photo look like a man right? (vomit blood 2nd time)

Custom: (silent) and he just returned my passport and let me go...

When I'm at the arrival hall, I need to look for my driver in India that holding my name in the sign.

Aaahaaa!! I found you!! ( means I found my driver....) when I walked to him and said :

Me : hi ! I'm Yitung, nice to meet you;)

Driver: Madam, I think you got the wrong person, company said Yitung is a guy.

Me: don't I sound like a guy now ? Even my hair is long? (vomit blood 3rd time)

Driver : I'm so sorry sir! Please .. This way to the car....

Just itself at the airport already 3 cases ... OMFG.... I think I will lose a lot more blood for the next few days...
Why oohhh why..... why in the airport can happened so many cases??

Stay tune for episode 3
(to be continue)

Friday, August 3, 2012

International Edition -India (Bangalore) - Series (Episode 1 [total of 6 episodes])

Date happened : October 2011

International Edition -India (Bangalore)
Episode 1

Okay guys , this time it's a brand new style to tell you all what incident I faced during my India trip last year.

All right, I went to India Bangalore for my company induction trip. So I spent 1week there. But within the 1 week,was the most gender mixed up cases happened in my life. That's why I have to split it to 6 mini episodes ;)

When I reached Bangalore international airport, (Bangalore is the Silicon valley of India , all the international companies such as yahoo, msn, Microsoft , dell, inmobi are all located there, because there are plenty of engineers in this town.) Herewith some of the landmark of Bangalore..
Bull Temple

Glass house

As usual , my bladder is small , so the 1st thing after i landed the airport is go to the toilet! Found the toilet and went in.. But when I stepped in the toilet , the male cleaner stopped me ...

Me: what's wrong?

Cleaner: MADAM , this is male toilet, please go to the female toilet .

Me: err... I'm a guy, so please let me in and use the toilet ok?

Cleaner : no MADAM, I bring you to the female toilet which is opposite.(he really opened the door and guided me the way to the female toilet)

Me : hallo! I'm a real man! and I'm belong to here and im gonna use this toilet.
( I just went in and purposely, pee using the urinal to show him that I'm a real man! Roar!!!!)

The cleaner gave me a cock stare...

After I washed my hands, the cleaner said :

"Madam, please use the female toilet next time."

Wtf is wrong with this cleaner ar?? I'm already standing to pee and he still insist I'm a female???

Just arrived India already kena kao kao ...
aiyorrrr.... you  no see me guy???
To be continue.......

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Toilet Edition - 18 SX (not suitable for children) - After age verification

Okay ! i really believe you all are above 18 years old harr.... dont bluff ok?
( if you bluff me i also donno actually -_-)

So this case actually is like that one...... i was at Paradigm mall.....  and im well known as small bladder ( small tangki) and after movie sure la .. my water tank loaded wan ma.... rushed to toilet .... and  pee....

So i was peeing at one of the urinal ... and the uncle next to me keep looking at me .... ( and i knew what happened already laa) ... so just ignore him lor...

And after he finished peeing .... he came to me and look at me and looked down ..

Me : woi!! 

Uncle : you got kuku( means penis... this usually used it for typical Malaysian/ Singaporean Chinese) wan ..

Me : Woi!!! im a guy .. of course i have!

Uncle : I thought you dont have ..

Me :.........

I wanna kill u !!!
