Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shopping Mall Edition

Date Happened : 14  November 2012

Shopping Mall Edition:

Allright guys , now back to all the day to day type of cases ya....so this cases actually happened in Empire shopping mall.... i was with my sister.... and during our shopping half way she saw something she likes and she gonna buy it.. but when she needs to pay she realized she left her handbag in my car .... so i just told her to wait at the counter, i go to my car to take the handbag...

I knew its not a good idea for me to hold a handbag ... due to my silky smooth hair baybeh ....sure kena wan ..but no choice lar...

So i proceeded to my car and got the handbag .....  SERIOUSLY ... it feels awkward man  when im holding my sister hand bag ... it will be normal if alot people keep looking at me.. but the problem is .. no people actually look at me... means  the scene was normal  for most of the people.... ( slapping  my own forehead)

So suddenly i small girl pointing at me and said :

Small girl : Mum!! you see , jie jie's handbag looks nice....

Me : ...........................................................................................................................

Mum : yaya the bag looks nice.... but this jie jie abit too boyish to take this handbag ....
( OMG.... aunty!! see properly la.. im a MAN .. real MAN... not a girl that look like a boy!!)

Me : uhhh hmmm ( macho manly deep tone voice) , its not mine, its mine sister's hand bag ... by the way .... im not a girl that look like a boy... IM A REAL MAN

Small girl and her mum :..................................................................................
( their turn to be speechless) - must give them lesson!

how can i look like a girl with boyish  look?? look properly ...

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