Friday, December 28, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 26 December 2012 ( Boxing day)

Toilet Edition:

Here comes another toilet edition ! as most of you all know that toilet is the most common or i can say the most contributed cases for my gender mixed up, and i would like to end my 2012 year with this toilet edition case. Because the next post will be in next year! sounds long right ??? actually it will be next week only...kakakaka!

Okok... back to topic.. this case happened in Sheraton Imperial Hotel KL ... I'm there for a meeting. and after my meeting ... as usual la... tangki full ( means bladder full - means want to pee), so i proceeded to the male toilet.... when im done ( came out from the cubical) i saw a father and son from Australia . Why i knew they are from Aussie? 1st of their accent and 2nd the hat they were wearing - the Australian cork hat..

This is Australian Cork Hat
And the son saw me ...

Son : Daddy .... i think we came in the wrong toilet ..

Daddy : no... we are in the gents... is everything okay mate?

Son : no.... there is a girl in the toilet .....( pointing ta me )

The Daddy saw me ... and said " I'm so sorry MISS.... " and they just went out the toilet and look at the  toilet sign again .. and came in ...

Daddy : aint  this a gents? ( he was asking me)

Me : yes... this is a gents toilet mate ... and im a MAN ( with macho deep tone voice)

Daddy  : hahahahha

Son : Daddy .. why her voice so weird ...

Daddy : He is  a Man ... not a women mate...

Son... i can hear u ....
Allright guys .. i wish you all Happy New Year!!!! and see you guys next year!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Traffic Jam Edition

Date Happened : 21 December 2012 ( end of world??  BULLSHIT!)

Traffic Jam Edition:

Today is end of day?? if today is ?? then how come im still writing my blog now??  duh....

This case happened in Jalan Tun Razak....  ( for oversea readers... Jalan Tun Razak is a main road in KL downtown , and also famous for traffic jam :) ) 

when i was HAPPILY stuck in the traffic jam ... normally i will just tuened my head around to look for the people and cars around me ... suddenly the car next to me lowered down the window and it was an aunty driver..... and she looks like want to asked me something ... 

So i just lowered down my window halfl( this is to protect myself abit )..

Aunty driver : MISS!! may i know how to go to KLCC from here??

Me : ohh ... just go straight and you will see a KLCC signboard.. just follow the sign will do . ( with deeply macho  manly voice again )

Aunty : ohh. thank you MISS!!

Me : WELCOME ( max deep tone voice jor ) - but she still seems like assuming  im  still a girl ....

Then suddenly her daughter at the back seat came to front and talked to me loudly :

Small girl : JIE JIE!! You see my BARBIE DOLL NICE??? want to play with me??

Me : ......

Then the traffic started to moved and they just drove away....

Basket ..... i don't want to play BARBIE DOLL..
 im sure you dont want to play barbie doll with very sure...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pharmacy Edition

Date Happened :  7 December 2012

Pharmacy Edition:

Okay guys , this time the case happened in Pharmacy at Ampang Park KL . Why i was there?? because my office is around that area, so i went there for lunch ... after my lunch i saw a Guardian pharmacy , and i have to get a heal support silicon for my heal due to my heavy tennis sessions...

I stepped in the pharmacy and start looking for the staff i want... suddenly a staff (Chinese aunty ) came to me and start the conversation :----

Aunty : Ah leng lui ( means pretty lady laa) ....  what you need?? can i help you?

Me : ahhhhh .... its okay .... by the way im looking for heal silicon supporter ( in a very deep low manly macho tone)

Aunty : Ah leng lui .... what you say again??? ( maybe my voice to deep and macho till she don't understand what im talking about)..

Me : ahhh aunty .. im a MAN  lar... dont call me leng lui ook??

Aunty : Hahahahhahahahah!!! are you kidding? hahahahahaha ( she laughed happily )

aiyor.... aunty y u like that??? ( there are others looking at me at that time wei..)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 13 December 2013

Toilet Edition:

Hohohohoo..... long time no toilet edition already , and its back!!!! this case is very fresh ... just happened yesterday ..... and this case actually happened in KLCC..

Allright .... i had a meeting at KLCC, ehh..... some of you guys dont simply think i *Snake  ahhhhh... i really have a meeting in KLCC building !!

Definition : Snake = its a way to describe a person is slacking or lazy or ..... whatever lar!!

And the case did not happened in the meeting , it actually after my meeting. So after i ended my meeting  and my tangki full again ( tangki full = means bladder full = need to pee :P)

So i actually proceeded to the shopping mall to look for toilet ... and Isetan's toilet was the nearest , so i walked towards the toilet ... and before i entered the toilet ....

I FELT something is PULLING my shirt from behind.... ( its not a ghost lar!! ) it was a small girl pulling my shirt ...
the situation looks like this

So i actually kneed down and talked to her :

Me : Yes .... y u pulled my shirt..

Small girl : Jie Jie.... dont go in ... here is MALE toilet ..... that side is FEMALE toilet ( pointing at the female toilet door )

Me : .... ( Au din = vomit blood) ... heheheh .. dont worry .... im a KOR KOR , not JIE JIE .. ( summore have to show her friendly face , don't wan to scare the small girl)

Small girl : no... teacher said long hair is girl.... so JIE JIE U R A GIRL.....

Me  : ...... ( i slaped my fore head and said ) dont worry its okay .. you dont understand :)

And i just proceed to the male toilet to pee....

Aww.. such a cute girl.. that i cannot afford to argue with her .....

she so cute... how can i argue v her??

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coffee shop edition

Date happened : 28 November 2012

Coffee shop edition:

Was at ss15 Subang Jaya Hailam Coffee shop . ( for those non malaysian readers, Subang Jaya is a housing area in Selangor , Malaysia) ...

Its a weekly planned yum cha session , and i was the 1st one who reached that place , so i just looked for an empty table and settled down , and naturally we all will take out our mobile phone to kill time while waiting for others to reach.

So suddenly an uncle ( he is a DVD seller - portable type - means he will bring a basket of DVD and walk around to ask table by table ) came to me and asked :

DVD Seller : MISS, DVD?

Me : No thanks :) 

DVD Seller : MISS , we have breaking dawn part 2 , GLEE and alot LOMANTIK ( romantic, he cannot pronounced  properly) movies you want?

Basket .. i already answered him no thanks in DEEP macho low tone voice .. he still dont know im a MAN.

DVD Seller : common leng lui ... support me abit ok?

Me : uncle , im a man ... no thanks ( even deeper lower tone macho voice)

DVD Seller : Choy!!

And he just left like that ... not even a sorry???

uncle.. i will remember you ...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Carpark Edition

Date happened : 14 November 2012

Carpark Edition :

wah so fast already Friday!.... okay .. this case actually happened in my own apartment carpark .. there was a small boy actually waiting for he rmum to tidy up the car before they depart .. so the ball was boring and he actually was playing his own basketball ... and when my car passed by  him and he accidentally dropped his ball ( his basketball lah!!) and the ball actually hit my car ....

So the mother saw it and started to scold her son... so i just winded down my window and smiled at him .

And i heard the mother said :

Mother : How many times i told you not to play your ball ( means the basketball lah! hoiyorr!)  in the carpark ? and now you see your ball hit JIE JIE"S car!

Me : ... ( deng !!)

Small boy :  I didnt mean to throw my ball to AUNTY's car .. it was an accident..

Me : ....... ( DENG!!! called me aunty summore .. really sign of aging already)

Mother : Faster say sorry to AUNTY ! ( baske!t the mother also followed the son to call me AUNTY )

Small boy : SORRY AUNTY !! ( very loud tim.... DENG x 2!)

Me : It's okay .... ( with my macho deep tone voice)

Mother : sorry MISS sorry MISS ( she still didnt realised im a MAN)

I didnt argue with them and tell them im  a MAN.... because this incident already gave me headache...  i need a rest from this.....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shopping Mall Edition

Date Happened : 14  November 2012

Shopping Mall Edition:

Allright guys , now back to all the day to day type of cases this cases actually happened in Empire shopping mall.... i was with my sister.... and during our shopping half way she saw something she likes and she gonna buy it.. but when she needs to pay she realized she left her handbag in my car .... so i just told her to wait at the counter, i go to my car to take the handbag...

I knew its not a good idea for me to hold a handbag ... due to my silky smooth hair baybeh ....sure kena wan ..but no choice lar...

So i proceeded to my car and got the handbag .....  SERIOUSLY ... it feels awkward man  when im holding my sister hand bag ... it will be normal if alot people keep looking at me.. but the problem is .. no people actually look at me... means  the scene was normal  for most of the people.... ( slapping  my own forehead)

So suddenly i small girl pointing at me and said :

Small girl : Mum!! you see , jie jie's handbag looks nice....

Me : ...........................................................................................................................

Mum : yaya the bag looks nice.... but this jie jie abit too boyish to take this handbag ....
( OMG.... aunty!! see properly la.. im a MAN .. real MAN... not a girl that look like a boy!!)

Me : uhhh hmmm ( macho manly deep tone voice) , its not mine, its mine sister's hand bag ... by the way .... im not a girl that look like a boy... IM A REAL MAN

Small girl and her mum :..................................................................................
( their turn to be speechless) - must give them lesson!

how can i look like a girl with boyish  look?? look properly ...
