Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Coffee shop edition

Date happened : 28 November 2012

Coffee shop edition:

Was at ss15 Subang Jaya Hailam Coffee shop . ( for those non malaysian readers, Subang Jaya is a housing area in Selangor , Malaysia) ...

Its a weekly planned yum cha session , and i was the 1st one who reached that place , so i just looked for an empty table and settled down , and naturally we all will take out our mobile phone to kill time while waiting for others to reach.

So suddenly an uncle ( he is a DVD seller - portable type - means he will bring a basket of DVD and walk around to ask table by table ) came to me and asked :

DVD Seller : MISS, DVD?

Me : No thanks :) 

DVD Seller : MISS , we have breaking dawn part 2 , GLEE and alot LOMANTIK ( romantic, he cannot pronounced  properly) movies you want?

Basket .. i already answered him no thanks in DEEP macho low tone voice .. he still dont know im a MAN.

DVD Seller : common leng lui ... support me abit ok?

Me : uncle , im a man ... no thanks ( even deeper lower tone macho voice)

DVD Seller : Choy!!

And he just left like that ... not even a sorry???

uncle.. i will remember you ...

