Friday, December 14, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 13 December 2013

Toilet Edition:

Hohohohoo..... long time no toilet edition already , and its back!!!! this case is very fresh ... just happened yesterday ..... and this case actually happened in KLCC..

Allright .... i had a meeting at KLCC, ehh..... some of you guys dont simply think i *Snake  ahhhhh... i really have a meeting in KLCC building !!

Definition : Snake = its a way to describe a person is slacking or lazy or ..... whatever lar!!

And the case did not happened in the meeting , it actually after my meeting. So after i ended my meeting  and my tangki full again ( tangki full = means bladder full = need to pee :P)

So i actually proceeded to the shopping mall to look for toilet ... and Isetan's toilet was the nearest , so i walked towards the toilet ... and before i entered the toilet ....

I FELT something is PULLING my shirt from behind.... ( its not a ghost lar!! ) it was a small girl pulling my shirt ...
the situation looks like this

So i actually kneed down and talked to her :

Me : Yes .... y u pulled my shirt..

Small girl : Jie Jie.... dont go in ... here is MALE toilet ..... that side is FEMALE toilet ( pointing at the female toilet door )

Me : .... ( Au din = vomit blood) ... heheheh .. dont worry .... im a KOR KOR , not JIE JIE .. ( summore have to show her friendly face , don't wan to scare the small girl)

Small girl : no... teacher said long hair is girl.... so JIE JIE U R A GIRL.....

Me  : ...... ( i slaped my fore head and said ) dont worry its okay .. you dont understand :)

And i just proceed to the male toilet to pee....

Aww.. such a cute girl.. that i cannot afford to argue with her .....

she so cute... how can i argue v her??

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