Friday, December 28, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date Happened : 26 December 2012 ( Boxing day)

Toilet Edition:

Here comes another toilet edition ! as most of you all know that toilet is the most common or i can say the most contributed cases for my gender mixed up, and i would like to end my 2012 year with this toilet edition case. Because the next post will be in next year! sounds long right ??? actually it will be next week only...kakakaka!

Okok... back to topic.. this case happened in Sheraton Imperial Hotel KL ... I'm there for a meeting. and after my meeting ... as usual la... tangki full ( means bladder full - means want to pee), so i proceeded to the male toilet.... when im done ( came out from the cubical) i saw a father and son from Australia . Why i knew they are from Aussie? 1st of their accent and 2nd the hat they were wearing - the Australian cork hat..

This is Australian Cork Hat
And the son saw me ...

Son : Daddy .... i think we came in the wrong toilet ..

Daddy : no... we are in the gents... is everything okay mate?

Son : no.... there is a girl in the toilet .....( pointing ta me )

The Daddy saw me ... and said " I'm so sorry MISS.... " and they just went out the toilet and look at the  toilet sign again .. and came in ...

Daddy : aint  this a gents? ( he was asking me)

Me : yes... this is a gents toilet mate ... and im a MAN ( with macho deep tone voice)

Daddy  : hahahahha

Son : Daddy .. why her voice so weird ...

Daddy : He is  a Man ... not a women mate...

Son... i can hear u ....
Allright guys .. i wish you all Happy New Year!!!! and see you guys next year!

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