Friday, December 7, 2012

Carpark Edition

Date happened : 14 November 2012

Carpark Edition :

wah so fast already Friday!.... okay .. this case actually happened in my own apartment carpark .. there was a small boy actually waiting for he rmum to tidy up the car before they depart .. so the ball was boring and he actually was playing his own basketball ... and when my car passed by  him and he accidentally dropped his ball ( his basketball lah!!) and the ball actually hit my car ....

So the mother saw it and started to scold her son... so i just winded down my window and smiled at him .

And i heard the mother said :

Mother : How many times i told you not to play your ball ( means the basketball lah! hoiyorr!)  in the carpark ? and now you see your ball hit JIE JIE"S car!

Me : ... ( deng !!)

Small boy :  I didnt mean to throw my ball to AUNTY's car .. it was an accident..

Me : ....... ( DENG!!! called me aunty summore .. really sign of aging already)

Mother : Faster say sorry to AUNTY ! ( baske!t the mother also followed the son to call me AUNTY )

Small boy : SORRY AUNTY !! ( very loud tim.... DENG x 2!)

Me : It's okay .... ( with my macho deep tone voice)

Mother : sorry MISS sorry MISS ( she still didnt realised im a MAN)

I didnt argue with them and tell them im  a MAN.... because this incident already gave me headache...  i need a rest from this.....

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