Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tennis Edition

Date Happened : 29 June 2012

Tennis Edition:

Yoooo..... its been sometime no tennis cases already .... BUT it happened again !! okok here you go :

I was playing tennis with my buddy ... and there was a coaching class next to my court , and for sure there were some small kids under coaching ..

It was a 2hours non stop stroking tennis sessions for me , and after the sessions my t-shirt was 100% wet and my sweat was dripping... ewwwww~~

My buddy went to the toilet to shower, and i usually will change a new t-shirt, here it comes....when i undress my self at he court ( only topless la!! not fully naked!)

One of the small boy came near to me and said :

Small boy : JIE JIE!! you cannot undress here.... you shame shame!!

Me :......... ( donno wanna laugh or cry seriously)

Me : ... errm.... me not JIE JIE, im KOR KOR... so i can change here ok?

Small boy : nolor.... ur hair long long ... so u are jie jie.... u must go to toilet to change... shame shame...

Me : speechless..... i just changed  and left the court...

Small boy : you see this JIE JIE change clothes in public... shame shame ( he was telling his friend)

Me : ............

I have no boobs wei.....y  he still keep calling me JIE JIE ?? basket!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Toilet Edition - 18SX

Date Happened : 22 July 2012

Toilet Edition - 18SX

Okay okay ... this is another case happened in toilet of shopping mall..... but the content of this case will be slightly more explicit.. People .. please do not proceed if you are under 18 years old ya :)

 "You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this page (21 years of age in the USA)"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thank you note :)

Dear all... When i was Isetan yesterday during my renewal of membership.... a male stranger actually came to me and said " are you the owner of Gender mixed up cases blog? , i like to read ur blog and keep it up!" wow... its a big encourage for me ... thanks to all the readers... muahh!

All you support really mean to me.. and because of you all.. i will keep writing alot more cases to you all...

Once again, thanks so much and i love you all...!!!

For all my FB friends , thanks for liking my status :) you all rocks!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Car park Edition

Date Happened : 21 June 2012

Car park Edition :

Guys.... recently really alot robbery cases happened in car park , especially in shopping malls. So girls, please please please be EXTRA alert when you are in the car park OK? ESPECIALLY when YOU ARE ALONE!

This case happened at 1Utama shopping center , after i bought my stuff from Jusco  , it was around 9.30pm plus, and it was a weekday... so not much peoples in the mall... 

So when im done with my shopping , i walked towards my car ..... and  there was a security guard keep following me... i felt weird lor...

Me : Sir?? why you are following me? 

Guard : MISS is our job to company single FEMALE driver to their car

Me : deng!!! never mind ... IM A GUY 

Guard : nono .. my partner said you are a girl , so i have to company you to your car...

Me : (donno i should laugh or cry....) .... okok thank you ....


It is good that the guard in 1Utama is doing his job :D , but i really felt weird that he really company me to my car .....it really really weird lor.. ..

Friday, July 20, 2012

Coffee House Edition

Date Happened : Some where around mid last year ( 2011)

Coffee House Edition - San Francisco Coffee:

Usual working days..... went to the nearest coffee house , which is San Francisco Coffee..

Saw kinda long que there...was thinking why so long que? but dont really care la... just que up  when was my turn .. i just ordered my drink  from the counter .

Waiter : Hi! welcome to San frans Coffee!!

Me : Hi, I would like to have a ice Mocha please :)

Waiter : MISS, today is ladies day! you will enjoy buy 1 free 1 , only for ladies ( his smile damn sweet lor)

Me : ... ( was thinking should i tell her im a guy , since  its buy 1 free 1 for ladies only)

Me : allright! please get me another ice mocha as well or the free drink :D ( decided not to tell him im a guy)

Waiter : No problem MISS, may i know your name? ( he needs to write my name on my cup)

Me : errr... just write MISS Yi TING ( because Yi TUNG sound like a guy's name)

Waiter : ok!

after a while ..

Waiter: MISS YI TING! your drink is ready!

Me just walked to the counter and grabbed  my drinks and leave the shop as fast as i can... 
buahahahah!!!! i got free drinks!!!(to pretend like a girl)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Workshop Edition

Date Happened : 13 July 2012

Workshop Edition:

At the workshop ( sent my car to service ) , as usual reached the workshop and  leaved my car key to the boss.. and i will go to the waiting room to surf , or update this blog while waiting my car to be done...

Settled down at the waiting room.... while i was happily updating this blog , a mother and daughter came in as they also waiting for their car to service.

That small girl was boring , and she just jumped around in the room.... suddenly that girl said :

Small girl : MOMMY!!! this GIRL look like a boy! wear shorts and t-shirt... ( pointing at me )

Mommy : shhh....... dont disturb jie jie!

Me : ...... ( flat face -_-)

Small girl : She should wear dress and skirt like me ...

Me : .... vomiting blood 
Thor Huei = vomit blood ( Hokkien)

Mommy : Jie jie has her style....

Me : excuse me .... im a MAN, not a girl nor JIE JIE..

Mommy and Small girl : Why dont you say earlier?  ( STONED look)
Because im a real MAN that I nonned to explain to you all

Friday, July 13, 2012

Subway Edition

Date Happened : 30 June 2012

Subway Edition :

All right , Subway edition is back! again! this time also after tennis session.

walked in the outlet ( Bandar Utama center point), quite a small que there. There was a small boy before me ... so i have to let the small boy to order his sandwich ... due to the boy dont really stand nicely ( he just jump here and there) and i accidentally stepped on  his shoe....

Me : Im sorry .... are you ok?

Small boy : daddy!! this LADY stepped on me !!

Me : grrrrrr..... im sorry and i didn't mean it ...

Small Boy : .... you bad girl!

Me : ~!@#$%^&*(

Father : I'm sorry of my son :)

Me : no worries :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Unfold short film

Another nicely done short film :)


Funeral Edition

Date Happened : 7 July 2012

Funeral Edition :

My grandpa just passed away , its a bless that he is 94 years old ... not many people can really reach this age .... so have to be happy with and bless with it.

So during the funeral , surely alot relatives came to pay a visit , and of course some friends too....  Some of the far related relatives were here also ....

This was how it happened , some of the friends ( not mine , relative's friends) .. and saw me .. some asked : "ohhh... this is the GRAND DAUGHTER ahh??"

Some even said " he is not the grandson, that is a GIRL" pointing at me ..

The worst case was, some far relatives asked my mother : " ahhh... this is your daughter ! when getting married arr? infront of me.....

Haiyah.... 1 day at least have 4- 5 cases...... 

By the way ..... Grandpa.. we will always miss you :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Toilet Edition - Cinema

Date Happened : 22 June 2012

Toilet Edition: 

Her face

Had movie at GSC Cinema @1U, i have a habit that before i entered the movie hall i MUST go to toilet to pee, because i have a very small tangki ( water tank = which is bladder la) , my close friends know that i must go to a place to that have toilet , if not i will die wei..

Okay .. so i went to the toilet ... deng deng deng!.... nothing happened !!  weird right? although some of the guys kept looking at me... but nothing interesting happened ...

Finished pee, washed hands and i walked out of the toilet , here is the weird thing.... i girl actually went in to the MEN's toilet which i just came out ..

Hohoho! i knew what happened already .....she went in , and i heard a shout from her " AHHHH!" then she ran out from the men's toilet...

hehehe .... she looked at me... and i pointed her the female's toilet, then only she went in the toilet correctly with blushed face ....

And now she knows how i feel every time i entered men's toilet

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lift Edition : 1 Utama

Date happened : 12 June 2012

Lift Edition:

Okay another lift edition .. Seems like recently lift is more happening than toilet when it comes to gender mixed up cases.

Went to gym at 1u this afternoon , and usually in park my car at basement and use the life to the gym which located at the higher level.

The lift door open halfway and there are a bunch of secondary school students came in .. About 7 to 8 of them came in , and there are few more playing games those in the lift apologized wait their friend.. Of course I said okay.

Then one of the boy in the lift shouted at the friends out of the lift:

"wooi !! Faster come in! Got a lady in the lift, don't let ladies wait la! "

Then I look at him and he said :

"I'm very sorry miss .. "

Then I look at them and smiled.. When I'm about to leave the lift I told them :

"guys ... I'm a guy not a LADY "

Then they all stoned and keep quiet...

YOU all form 5 secondary school student still don't know how to differentiate a  genuine girl or guy with long hair??
