Tuesday, October 30, 2012

International Edition - Hong Kong Mini Series ( Episode 1)

Date happened : 9 October 2012

Episode 1:

Thanks to the busy schedules recently that i have to travel to few countries within a month. So now we have Hong Kong mini series, but this time also for working purpose la... And the cases of course , always started in the airport 1st .

Due to solo travel trip... i usually will take ERL ( KLIA Express Link) to the airport for the convenient and to avoid traffic jam.

And because i had avoided the traffic jam , i reached airport damn early.... ( I very mafan right?? reached early also complaint , reach late also complaint.. hoiyorrr!!)

So i was lucky that i am entitled to enter the premier lounge ( fuiyorr.. damn action... tell people i can enter premier lounge .. *lansi), so spent 2 hours in the lounge , chilled and relaxed ... and as usual .... my tangki got full easily due to i drank too much  water... naturally have to go to toilet...

For foreign readers:
*Lansi = it is a Cantonese word, usually Chinese will use this word to describe show off or action!, but please don't simply use this word , because this is a rude way to show your slight anger , please use it with care :P

Asked the cleaning lady where is the toilet , she guided me to the nearest toilet ... went in.... drama started ...

Basket , THIS IS FEMALE TOILET.... summore have 2 ladies touching up their make up at the basin area. 

I was panic .... i cant say sorry to them ... because once i used my deeply manly macho deep tone voice to say sorry to them , i will be in the deep shit.... 

So i just pretended, went in the toilet and came out straight, then i saw the cleaner who guided me to this female toilet ..

Me : Kak.... salah toilet la.... AKU LELAKI... BUKAN PEREMPUAN.....
(aunty .... im a MAN .... not a WOMEN)

Cleaner : hahahahahhaha ...... salah nampak la...
( ahahahahahhaha ... see wrongly)

Me : masih boleh ketawa......
(still can laugh)

The cleaner also didn't apologized to me , i just go back to my seat....

Haiyor.... why liddat wan???
Aunty bad ... she trapped me in female toilet :(

Stay tune for Episode 2..

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pharmacy Edition

Date happened : 22 October 2012

Pharmacy Edition :

Hehehehhee... i don't think i have any pharmacy edition yet .... so this is the first time.....

Due to i had finished my Vitamin C and micro pore ( micro pore is a medical tape something like plaster, but i used it to wrap my fingers to prevent serious blisters from my tennis ) ...  damn why i have to explain so much ??

So i went to my regular pharmacy .... once i stepped in the pharmacy , one of the friendly pharmacist helped me to get the stuff i wanted .... so i just have to que up to pay my stuffs...

So when was my turn ... the conversation started here :

Casher : Hallo LENG LUI ~~ ( Damn friendly lor..... but failed ... she called me leng lui) 

Me : hallo si tao poh ( means lady boss - we usually will use it to address the lady shop owner in Malaysia for chinese) 

Casher : ohhh you take this vitamin C , no wonder your skin so nice ... so LENG LUI 

Me : Si tao poh,  im your regular customer.... you still dont know im a MAN ( REAL MAN) 

Casher : Aiyohhhh... im so sorry ..... LENG CHAI ( means handsome la , this  MUCH sound better )  Why you don't say earlier ??

Me : do i need to tell you im a MAN every time i step in here??

Casher : But you do look like a GIRL la.... long hair .. fair skin ... i will tell my customers to take more vitamin C as what you are taking now ....

Me : okay ... what ever ... -_-....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

International Edition : Bangkok

Date happened : 30 September 2012

International Edition : Bangkok

Guys sorry to say that Bangkok is not a Gender mixed up cases friendly place... because the percentage of gender mixed up is always low in Bangkok... maybe due to many lady boys over there, so the people in Thailand tend to be sharper eyes to differentiate the real MAN and WOMEN..... i went to Bangkok for about 4-5 days ... it only happened 1-2 cases...

So this case happened when i wanna check in my hotel .... Bangkok is a great place for shopping ... due to me n my gf always go to Bangkok to "reload our wardrobe" ( means buy new clothes la!) , we always bring larger luggage to allow us to buy more clothes and stuffs  :D

So we actually stayed 2 hotels in Bangkok , this is to try 2 hotels in a same trip ..... so when we wanna checked in our 2nd hotel....  so one of the friendly staff came to me and her we start:

Friendly staff : Hi MADAM , let m help you to carry the bag...

Me : Nah ... its okay .. i can carry my self ...

Friendly staff : Nono  MADAM.... its my job.. my pleasure.... let me carry it MADAM...

Me : HAHAHHHAH!! you called me MADAM? ( in a very deeply manly macho deep tone voice)

Friendly staff : ohhh!!! im sorry SIR ...... ( and he looks guilty)

Me : Its okay .. not a problem ..

My GF : don't worry ... it always happened ...

u see lah ..... my GF also used to all my cases already ....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Club Edition

Date Happened : October 6 2012 ( late night )

Club Edition :

Chester!! this edition is for you. Guys , although  i have long hair and look like a girl .... actually hor ... i dont like to go to clubbing ... seriously .. no joking .. im a very lazy GUY that love to chill at home :D

So because of Chester , you purposely come to KL  to celebrate your birthday , die die also have to go wan right? hahahaha

So this Butter Factory was my 1st visit .... it looks damn formal wei ... every customers need to check ID or even driving licence to allow you to enterthe club. Sound very high security and safe right? If you forget or didnt bring your ID .. very sorry la... u have no other choice to enter the club.

So when was my turn, i showed my ID to the bouncer :

Bouncer : wahahahaha.....

Me : why you laughed ? Anything wrong ?

Bouncer : hahahhaa nothing ....

Me : is it because i look like a girl in real person ?

Bouncer : hahahahahaha , actually yes.... actually is this your actual ID or u are using others?

Me : no way man .. this is real me .. my own ID

Bouncer : ahahahahah ... okok but u really look like a girl in real ...

Me : ...................

even the bouncer also make fun of me ..... not funny ...

Chester , happy birthday again !

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seminar Edition

Date happened :16 September 2012

Houyeh! New type of edition , but still happened in the toilet.

I'm sure a lot of you guys know that my bladder is small , so I need to go to toilet oftenly. As usually , went to toilet ... Went in cubical ... Nothing happened . So far was safe la .. Then when I was washing my hands at the basin...the case happened .

There were 2 guys were came out from the urinal section and two of them talking happily and when they came to the basin area and they got shocked when they saw me .

One of the guy told his friend:

Guy A: wei! Girl in the toilet!
Guy B : ehh.. Yawor!

Then both of them stoned there and they don't know what to do...

Of course I know what happened already, I just look at them and smiled to them.. And I purposely made the sound "urgggg hummmm" in a deeply manly macho voice tone.

Then 2 of them released and they laughed , but they still look very embarrassed ..

Aiyor... I really donno what to say for this .. So classic this type of case...

The only thing i can do was LAUGH with them .. what elve i can do? :(

Friday, October 12, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 6 - Grand Finale)

Episode 6 - Grand Finale

weeee.... at last ... we are now to the end of the Singapore Edition ..... so before i proceed... standard  procedure for those who never follow my episodes... hmmmm naughty naughty!!!

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:

Alright .... lets continue ... so after came out from the Marc Jacobs store.. abit headache ... so i just sat at the public sofa to take a rest due to i still too early to got o my platform for my flight ...

Oooyeh!! found an empty sofa ... settled down there ... due to long  tired day in Singapore.. woke up damn early to catch the flight and now already 9pm plus .... so its about 12 hours in Singapore....

My eyes were very very tired ... and when my eyes got tired... my tears will come out to moisture my eyes... so both my eyes were very watery lar... then horr!! the ang mo lady  ( means western people, or we call it Mat Salleh) sat next to me saw me and the drama started here ...

Ang Mo lady : awwww..... MISS what happened to you ?? why you cry??

Me : its okay .. no worries 

Ang Mo lady : nono its okay ... poor girl ... dont cry ... come tell me what happened? WE ARE WOMEN ... WE CAN SHARE ANYTHING....

Me : nonono ... really nothing happened ( basket i already talked to her with my manly voice.. but she still assumed im a girl)

Ang Mo Lady : come i give you a hug ( she just hugged me and comfort me )

Me : !!!!!!! (tooo surprised !! stoned there)

In my heart i was freaking syok laaa.... as she is kinda HOT wei!! got free hug from her..

After She comfort me and hugged me i faster told her that i have to go... of course la faster escape .. i don't wan to have any crisis when she realized im a REAL MAN  ....

So i faster got o the pharmacy in the duty free zone to get my self an EYEMO Moist ... because i dont want to have any this type of things happen again .... scary wei ...
For those who dont know what is Eye Mo Moist .. this it is.. if you still dont know what is this .... i also dont know how to help you already ..

Once i paid , i faster used this eye mo outside the pharmacy ... and may be i over used abit and the eyemo  flowed out from my eyes... 

Then a china small girl saw me and she asked her mum : "Mommy!!! why JIE JIE  crying there??"

WTF ??? i faster wiped my eyes and go to my flight platform .... because i dont want any cases happen again ...

haiyorrr!! what happened ??? i dowan to stay any longer here already ... i wanna go home!!!


WTF is wrong with the day huh??? i just spent one day in SG .. and it can really happened so many cases..

By the way ... thanks to all of you who follow this mini series....hope i can bring more International series to you guys in future yah :D

Tanchew berry muchi !!!! ( means thank you very much)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 5)

Episode 5:

yoooooooo!!! so fast already in Episode 5!!

Herewith all the previous Episodes yah :

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:

Okay ... due to the long tired day in Singapore... not because of the meeting but also those vomiting blood cases keep happening in a day ..... its kinda record breaking for me ... already more than 5 cases happened so far .... i thought the case will stop .. but it continues to happen even though i reached airport...

As many of you guys know that Changi Airport is one of the best Airport in the world , as the duty free zone is fantastic... you can spend few hours to shop there.. 

So i passed by Marc Jacobs store .... my girlfriend told me to check the price of one of the handbag there...

So when i walked in to the store .. there are 3 staffs greeted me ...

Staffs : Good evening MISS, may I help u ??

Me : err... .. good evening .... im helping my girlfriend to look for one of your handbag ... it in blue in color...

Staff A : Miss we didnt bring that range here.... why don't you try our latest handbags?? It suit you well !! ( it's a female handbag)

Me : Im here to help my girlfriend to look for handbag , not me :)

Staff B : come on ... dont be shy .. i know you like it ...

Me : its okay ... thank you .. (Basket !! how many times i told them im a MAN they still treated me like a girl... vomit blood wei )

Then i whats app my gf and told her dont have the colour  she wanted , but do have black in color, and she told me to go back and check for the price ..

So i went back to the store again ....

Staff B : hah!!! MISS! you are back!! i know you like our handbag ... come!! i let you try ....

Me : halloo... im really come back to check the price....

Staff B : dont be SHY MISS.... its okay ... you can try ...

Me : its okay .. i found the price... thanks....by the way ... im a MAN...its not right to call me MISS ( abit annoyed with the staffs there)

Staff B : Its okay .. dont shy ....

Me :.... ( i choosed not to talk and left the store)

aiiyoorrrrrrrr........ i damn pissed off wei ..... why like that????

Stay tune for the Grand FINALE Episode .....

Friday, October 5, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 4)

Episode 4:

To recap the previous episodes?? here you gooooooo!!!!!!

Episode 1:

Episode 2:
Episode 3:
So fast already Episode 4 yah ..... okok..... its about time to go for meeting .... took MRT to the meeting venue.... reached the office... and I was greeted by the receptionist ...

Receptionist : Good afternoon MISS, may i help u ??

Me : ermm... Afternoon .... i have a meeting with Mr. J ( better don't review his real name , must respect other's one marr... right??? :p) - with deeply manly macho voice....

Receptionist : whooppps .. im so sorry  SIR( she realized im a MAN)....Mr. J is not back from  lunch yet ... can you please wait a while ?

Me : Sure :) 

So i waited a while at the office lobby .... suddenly Mr. J came in and saw me .... 

Mr. J : Hi Yi Tung!!!!! 

Me : Hi Mr. J!

Mr.J : ohhh you are a MAN! i thought you are a girl ( its our 1st time meeting each other)

Me : ahahahaha... you are kidding right?

Mr. J : hahahahaa nope! im serious....

Me : seriously ... im a MAN.... 

Mr. J : hahahha ....okok.... im sorry ..

So we proceeded to the meeting room .... when i went in the room .... there were another 2 more people that will sit in the meeting .... which i will name then as Mr A&B, so i greeted them as well la...

Mr. A&B : my god... you are a MAN....we thought you are a GIRL dude!!

Me : no way ..... Im a MAN.... seriously..

Mr. A & B: but in the photo and picture u look exactly like a girl....

Me : And now u met me ... and im a real MAN...

we all : hahahahhaa

So when the meeting finished .... said good buy to them ..

As usual ... tangki full ( bladder full) ... went to the nearest toilet ....

When im done, came out from the cubical ... a guy came in the toilet .... as usual la... i go to wash my hands... he looked at me .. and he don't dare to pee.... and he just walked out .... but when i walked out from the toilet ... that guy went in .... means he waited for me to come out 1st la.....

Hey!! whats wrong with  all these guys in Singapore???
something wrong la... really something wrong ....
To be continued ...for Episode 5!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

International Edition - Singapore Mini series ( Episode 3)

Episode 3 :

Okay guys ... Episode 3 is here ...

As usual... if you missed out the previous Episodes ..here you go :)

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Here it goes.....so after the aunty and her grand daughter incident ... i stopped by ION Orchard to do some window shopping , since i still have 2 hour plus before my meeting time... ( the meeting venue just 1 station away from Orchard MRT station...)

So when i was walking around in the mall.... suddenly a couple came to me and asked me a question.... they look like tourist ...

Tourist couple : Excuse me MISS, may I know here is the MRT station??

So being a Malaysian , we should be helpful right?? so i showed them the way to the MRT station (eh... not bad wei , im a foreigner  and i still managed to lead them to the MRT station, i didn't bring them to Holland ok? )

Bring them to Holland - Definition =  Usually Chinese will use this phrase to describe you lead a person to no where or lost , or to wrong places 

Tourist couple : So nice of you MISS, you are a LOVELY LADY.....

Me : errr.... ahhh..... ACTUALLY IM A MAN... by the way .. you are welcome  -_-

Tourist couple : aww.... im so sorry .... but you look like a girl....

Me : its okay ...it happened always ....

Then they left ....

Me?? don't know should angry ...sad or happy ....
why??? why u still thought im a girl after i talked to you ??...hiahh....

Stay tune for Episode 4 !!!
