Friday, April 27, 2012

Pub Edition

Date Happened : 6 October 2010 

Pub Edition :

Its been a while didn't meet up with ex colleague, so we decided to sync up to have some drink after work , since so coincident our office in also in Midvalley ( a shopping center located in KL ). And we end up meet up at Library  (For non Malaysian reader, this Library is not the actual Library which you can read books in it, this is a Pub that name Library and it renovated  more or less like Library :) sounds interesting? ) 

Talk talk talk talk.... as my tangki ( water tank - bladder ) get full just went to toilet ... after that have to wash hands right??.. then suddenly an uncle came in and shout " wuahhhh!!! I'm soo sorry !! and keep looking at the toilet sign ( as what i can see he thought he went to the ladies room) ... Then its my responsibility to tell him the truth  right?  

I told him " Its okay Uncle .... you are in the gents toilet.... just come in" But hor.... he don't believe and said.." nope... I'm not ... sorry MISS!" and stepped in the ladies...

I think he was totally drunk .. and he cant see properly I'm a MAN/ GUY after talking to me... and i just leave the toilet .. and i really don't know what will happen after the uncle stepped in the ladies...hohoho!!! Interesting!
Imagining what happened in the toilet..kekeke...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Supermarket Edition

Date Happened : 24 April 2012

Supermarket Edition:

Allright , felt hungry .. went to Jusco to look for some foods... when i walked around , i passed by a roadshow event , some sort of women's cancer awareness event.

Suddenly one of the sales girl came to me .. i felt something is wrong... then this was our conversation:

Salesgirl  : Hi MISS... do you want to try our latest sanitary pad? The absorption is good and its slim..
Me          : errmm.. noneed .. i dont need it...
Salesgirl  : No... you will love it.. and if you buy now... you will have a free cervical cancer check up..
Me         : Im a Man ... and i dont need a sanitary pad .. and i would love to go for the free check up .. but i dont think im allow for it...
Salesgirl  : oh shit! Im really sorry .. i thought you are a tomboy and you are shy to try our newly launched pad...
Me         : Hahhahahahha ( what else i can say? laugh only la!)

The only best way to react in this situation is laugh and leave.... painful wei!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Great local short films - Out of gender mixed up cases

Hey guys... this is not a gender mixed up case post yooooo.. 

This post is to support my friend's great work on short film they made . I'm sure alot of you guys already watched it... but if you still haven't... watch it NOW!!!!

watch it now! :p





Monday, April 23, 2012

Subway Edition

Date Happened : 21 July 2010

Subway Edition :
Okay ... as you guys know im a regular Subway customer :D so i do go to subway very often ....and i usually only go to few outlets regularly , these are the outlets i visited very regular :

1) Center Point
2) Mid Valley 
3) 1Utama
4) Kota Damansara

So... today the case I wanna share with you guys was in Midvalley outlet. Alright after work( my previous company located in Midvalley)  so naturally i will go to Subway Midvalley outlet to get my sandwich. And I'm VERY SURE those waiter/ waitress there do recognized me - 100%!!

Here comes the climax... when i walked in the restaurant... one of the regular waitress that always served me ( most of the time she took my order) greeted me with :

Waitress : YOOO LENG LUI!!! you are here again ....  i know what you want to order!!!
Me         : ............... ( Speechless) 
Waitress : LENG LUI!!  your order is Sub of the day , Parmesan bread, no toast, lettuce, tomato, pickles ya! ( You can see she  knows me freaking damn well ok?) 
Waitress : LENG LUI !!  YOU SEE... I REMEMBER YOU ARE A GIRL RIGHT? ( showed me a damn confident face )
Me         : No.... I'm very confident I'M A GUY 
Waitress : OMG... I'm so sorry ... i always thought YOU'RE a GIRL..
Me         :  Nope -> showing her poker face.

It was so freaking MALU (embarrassing man .... the peoples in the whole restaurant were looking at me..... DAFUQ

Friday, April 20, 2012

Unifi ( Telekom Malaysia) Edition

Date Happened : 16 April 2012

Unifi Edition :

Allright.... My Unifi service abit not stable after a year , so i just called Unifi (Its a Malaysia high speed broadband provider)  to raised up my problem.

Service good, within 12 hours their technician called me for appointment to come to my house to rectify my broadband.  They agreed to come over my house to repair at 3.30pm at the same day.

I was at home ... ding dong!! ( door bell triggered) ..  I went to open the door , and YESH! 2 technicians , great ... let them came in my house .. conversation start here :

Technician A : Hallo!! we from unifi!
Me               : Hi , i know :) 
Technician A : ehh... just now i called .. its a guy ...but now the one open is a girl ...weird...
Me               : nonono.. it was me....
Technician A : very sure its a guy on the phone now you are a girl ...
Me               : Whatever .... ( i know something gonna happened )

When they went in my room to check my modem ...

Technician A : Hahh!! this is the modem that's always gives us problem , partner change it!
This is the modem that gives us alot problems.. change!!

Me              : You noneed to check ? Just change?
Technician B : Kak ... tak payah check... itu modem tak guna... sentiasa rosak.. kita tukar kan ... cik tak  payah risau ...
                   (MISS... noneed check .. this modem useless.. always got problem... we will change it... MISS noneed to worry )
Me               : Okay okay ...Do what you guys think is right ( I also lazy to tell them im a guy)
Technician B : Okay cik... sudah tukar... sekarang awak boleh online ... shopping.... beli cosmetic .. pasti cepat speed nya!
                  ( Okay MISS.. already changed .. now you can do online shopping .. shop for COSMETIC .. in fast speed!)
Me :              : Ok thank you!
Technician A : MISS... you have a very manly room ... you have tennis balls/ transformers/ and you read FHM.. fuiyor... you can be man's best friend..not like other girls .. only like clothes and cute things...
Me                : Speechless  ( felt very disturbing)

Every things done... send them out and thanked both of them .. and these is what i heard when i closed my door :

Technician B : Ehh Bang... itu amoi suaranye macam lelaki la...
                   ( Eh brother this GIRL's voice like a GUY la..)
Technician A : Mana ada.. tengok rambut nye... panjang .. cun wei..suara dia deep sikit... itu lah sexay ..
                  ( where got... look at her hair... long .. pretty wei .. her voice.. just abit deep.. this is sexy)-me wanna vomit already..

Both of you seems like really enjoyed the whole process of teasing a "GIRL" in my house hor?? 


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Club Edition

Date Happened :8 September 2010

The Club Edition  : 

Normal working days ... will have tennis session after work.... reached the club usual... went to wash room to change my tennis outfit .... after I’ve  done with my outfit.. When i was changing my tennis shoe... 

Then Suddenly a Malay guy came in the toilet..and he looked at me ( I was expecting he will say sorry and run out , because I can see  another gender mixed up case is happening) and STONED there for few seconds... ( tick tok tick tok tick tok) .. 

If you ask me what’s next ..I will assume he will say sorry or what la... BUT he made a very weird sound  >> "WwoooOOooo" and keep looking at me with a perverting look.. and he just walked out from the toilet and he said " Amoi .... you cantik la... best nye" ( means "hey girl ... u pretty  la... fantastic - in Malay ) 

Oiii!! I’m not a HOT CHICK!!  i have hairy legs!!..... please look properly!!ARGH!!!
Write this post until bengang... " Fan toi"   ( means flip over table (Pissed off!) in Cantonese ) 

Monday, April 16, 2012

BBQ Edition

Date Happened : 26 September 2010

BBQ Edition :  Bonding time!! me and a group of colleagues decided to have a  mid autumn celebration in one of the colleague's house. Everyone happily prepared all the foods and some of them...preparing the lanterns ... looks harmony  yah....

Every body enjoyed the night , it's late and all of us are fulled with foods and tired playing lantern with the kids.

Already late so we all have to clean up the area.When we all were helping each other  to clean up the BBQ area, my colleague's mum came out from the house and  said   " Wuuuah .. this GIRL so good , SHE can work wan lor.. she helped us to cleaned up the house after BBQ" woohoo!!~~ I'm there for around 3 hours, auntie still thought I'm a girl.. champion~!"

Yoooo..... aunty why you no see me guy.....

Friday, April 13, 2012

Police Road Block Edition

Date Happened :  13 April 2012

Police Road Block Edition :

Okay this one i have to post today ..  damn angry ...

Was driving in Subang Airport highway .. okay i was on the phone ( yes my fault , i should not use my handphone  when I'm driving.. i admit) ... after few second.. saw police roadblock infront of the road..oh shit .. i know i sure got caught already.

Police waved at me using a red flag ( this is Malaysia style ) ... so i have no choice to stop my car at the roadside. One of the police came to my car .. i winded down my window .. conversation start here :

Police :  wooo.. Amoi....  apa khabar? selamat pagi...
             ( Woooo ... Miss .. how are you ? Good Morning...)
Me     : Pagi... apa cerita?
            ( Morning ... what is the story?)
Police : Tadi ... kawan saya cakap awak guna handphone semasa pandu
            ( Just now my friend said he saw you using handphone when you are driving)
Me     : Betul kah? 
Police : Yeah betul....macam amoi cantik mesti boleh nampak ..IC and lesen ?
            ( yeah of course.... you so pretty sure can see it.. your Identity card and license )
Police : ehh..... IC awak nampak macam lelaki .. sekarang chun nye... 
            (ehh..your ID photo look like a guy..but now..pretty.... - i wanna vomit jor)
Me     : okok... bagi saman ... tadak masa ( not in the mood) 
            ( okok... just give me the fine ... im in rush)
Police : Eh.. jangan la macam itu... betul nak saman ke?
            ( Eh... don't like that ... really want the fine?)
Police : Kalau tak nak saman pun boleh ... ada cara lain ... bagi la hp numbor awak atau facebook boleh?
            ( If you dowan fine also can... got option.. give me your hp number or facebook can?)
Me     : tak nak... bagi saman saja  ( he wanna bribe me)
            ( nope... just give me the fine)
Police : ayeh... amoi eksen!... nah sign sini..
            ( aiyeh... miss action!..... just sign here - we need to sign the fine to get our own copy)

Then I left the place.

Cant you see im a guy from my IC and driving licence MR. Police -_-..

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tennis Edition

Date Happened : 5 April 2012

Tennis Edition :

This is Nadal if you dont know who is he :) 
Normal usual days went for tennis ... changed clothes , put on gear , fully equipped . Fuiyor... damn good performance ... can play like Nadal 
( sorry yah ... self entertained ) ....

The tennis court is an open area, so that's very common that there are some people will pass by the court and some of them might just stand outside the court and see how you play ...

There was a couple standing outside the court , and suddenly I heard their conversation.

The Guy : ohh.. this person can play tennis well ya..
The Girl  : yeah .... and she is a GIRL ... and she can run around the court so well ..
The Guy : you sure is a SHE?  he has a hairy legs ( oh yeah I'm a macho man - from yitung)
The Girl  : Nolah... u look at her ... she tied up her hair .. she has a pony tail.
The Guy : True also ( my god.. don't listen to your darling , see properly la...  have hairy legs - from    yitung)
The Guy : I never see girl have so hairy leg before..
The Girl  : You never know... 

Then they walked away.... WHY AR WHY!!!!  MR... WHY you cant  just believe yourself that you were looking a guy playing tennis.... and WHY you believe your darling that just judged me is a GIRL just because i have  a pony tail....
Angry sweaty tennis face 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bookstore Edition

Date Happened : 3 April 2012

Bookstore Edition : 

Normal working day... after work met girlfriend at Empire shopping mall in Subang  for her meeting in the evening , and of course I wont sit in for her meeting , so I just walked around in the mall to kill time. And I decided to go to popular bookstore. When I was looking for books in the bookstore. And there was an incoming email , so i just checked my email thru my phone, and so sudden

I was standing at the parenting book section.... when I was reading my email from my phone  suddenly 1 pregnant lady came over and asked me...." hi MISS... YOU JUST GOT PREGNANT? ... this section not for you... you should go to the family planning section.. here is parenting.. by the way.. congratulations ya".... aiyorr................. I just smiled at her and left the section... dowan to scared her if i speak to her, later she fainted just because of my manly voice how??..... people pregnant ma....but me myself... inner injured la... wanna voice up but cannot..

vomit blood....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Karma Edition

Date Happened : 8 January 2012

Karma Edition:

At Center Point Bandar Utama, Having lunch and suddenly feel like wanna pee... so just walked to the nearest toilet.... when I stepped in the toilet I saw a long hair girl at the basin tying up her hair.... I was shocked and I "JAMMED BRAKE"  at the entrance and said sorry to her and ran out (and this is what those guys mistaken I'm a girl when they saw me in toilet)  .... and I naturally walked  to the opposite toilet.... but before I entered the sign is Female.... then i looked back the toilet i just stepped in.. its a male toilet...

Then the lady came out(from the male's toilet)  and smiled at me n said.... sir... sorry to scared u... I'm a man v long hair..... deng! ... now i know how people feel when they saw me in toilet... karma ahh karma......revenge man...

what goes around comes around

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Restaurant Edition

Date Happened :  21 September 2010

Restaurant Edition ( The Ship ) : Had dinner at The Ship Dammansara Utama outlet ( The Ship is a western restaurant , kinda famous in Malaysia) .  Atmosphere was good.... the deco really  like a ship , but the light abit too deem ... maybe they wanna make it more ROMANTIC feel... but it actually failed ... I ordered  a chicken ceasar salad ... when the dish came to me.... awww.. not good... it is fine that the salad is raw.. but the chicken meat also raw ... so i complained it to the waiter.. and they changed a new one for me... I was abit not in the mood already ... 

Then after i finished my salad, "water tank" fulled... naturally  I walked to the gents toilet but just few steps before  I enter the toilet..  the captain of the restaurant  ran to me n said " is gent's room.. please don't go in , female's toilet  at the other side"..

Sudah bengang ( means damn bad mood) at that moment , I voiced up to him : " Cant you see im a GUY or a MAN?? which part of me look like a GIRL??"

He apologized to me : " I'm so sorry Sir, but your hair really  look like a girl"..

Monday, April 2, 2012

Subway Edition

Date Happened : 29 March 2012

    Subway Edition : Normal working day , as usual ... i will get some food before tennis ( Yes again) ... and normally i will go to the nearest Subway to get a sandwich.

    When i walked in the Subway outlet at Center point ( its a residential shopping mall if some of you guys don't know what is it) This is how i start order my sandwich ( Im a boring guy , so i always said the same thing to the waiter)

Waiter    : Hallo ! Good evening ! May I help you?
Me          : Hi , Sub of the day please  :)
Waiter    : Bread?
Waiter    : Toast?
Me          : Non toasted and lettuce / tomato/ pickles and no sauce :)

    Here comes the highlight of this case , there was a small boy next to me , and he asked me " JIE JIE ! ( means sister again) you eat without sauce not nice one!" Then i have to tell him " Kor Kor ( me)  always eat Subway without sauce :) "
    Then this is what he replied me " Wuah ... JIE JIE!! you very terror... you can change your voice like Kor Kor .... can you teach me how?" I nearly vomit blood.... kids nowadays..... speechless...
When im writing this post also feel like vomit blood.
Cannot find vomit blood visual , so have to use this .. sorry..
