Friday, April 20, 2012

Unifi ( Telekom Malaysia) Edition

Date Happened : 16 April 2012

Unifi Edition :

Allright.... My Unifi service abit not stable after a year , so i just called Unifi (Its a Malaysia high speed broadband provider)  to raised up my problem.

Service good, within 12 hours their technician called me for appointment to come to my house to rectify my broadband.  They agreed to come over my house to repair at 3.30pm at the same day.

I was at home ... ding dong!! ( door bell triggered) ..  I went to open the door , and YESH! 2 technicians , great ... let them came in my house .. conversation start here :

Technician A : Hallo!! we from unifi!
Me               : Hi , i know :) 
Technician A : ehh... just now i called .. its a guy ...but now the one open is a girl ...weird...
Me               : nonono.. it was me....
Technician A : very sure its a guy on the phone now you are a girl ...
Me               : Whatever .... ( i know something gonna happened )

When they went in my room to check my modem ...

Technician A : Hahh!! this is the modem that's always gives us problem , partner change it!
This is the modem that gives us alot problems.. change!!

Me              : You noneed to check ? Just change?
Technician B : Kak ... tak payah check... itu modem tak guna... sentiasa rosak.. kita tukar kan ... cik tak  payah risau ...
                   (MISS... noneed check .. this modem useless.. always got problem... we will change it... MISS noneed to worry )
Me               : Okay okay ...Do what you guys think is right ( I also lazy to tell them im a guy)
Technician B : Okay cik... sudah tukar... sekarang awak boleh online ... shopping.... beli cosmetic .. pasti cepat speed nya!
                  ( Okay MISS.. already changed .. now you can do online shopping .. shop for COSMETIC .. in fast speed!)
Me :              : Ok thank you!
Technician A : MISS... you have a very manly room ... you have tennis balls/ transformers/ and you read FHM.. fuiyor... you can be man's best friend..not like other girls .. only like clothes and cute things...
Me                : Speechless  ( felt very disturbing)

Every things done... send them out and thanked both of them .. and these is what i heard when i closed my door :

Technician B : Ehh Bang... itu amoi suaranye macam lelaki la...
                   ( Eh brother this GIRL's voice like a GUY la..)
Technician A : Mana ada.. tengok rambut nye... panjang .. cun wei..suara dia deep sikit... itu lah sexay ..
                  ( where got... look at her hair... long .. pretty wei .. her voice.. just abit deep.. this is sexy)-me wanna vomit already..

Both of you seems like really enjoyed the whole process of teasing a "GIRL" in my house hor?? 


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