Monday, April 16, 2012

BBQ Edition

Date Happened : 26 September 2010

BBQ Edition :  Bonding time!! me and a group of colleagues decided to have a  mid autumn celebration in one of the colleague's house. Everyone happily prepared all the foods and some of them...preparing the lanterns ... looks harmony  yah....

Every body enjoyed the night , it's late and all of us are fulled with foods and tired playing lantern with the kids.

Already late so we all have to clean up the area.When we all were helping each other  to clean up the BBQ area, my colleague's mum came out from the house and  said   " Wuuuah .. this GIRL so good , SHE can work wan lor.. she helped us to cleaned up the house after BBQ" woohoo!!~~ I'm there for around 3 hours, auntie still thought I'm a girl.. champion~!"

Yoooo..... aunty why you no see me guy.....

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