Friday, April 27, 2012

Pub Edition

Date Happened : 6 October 2010 

Pub Edition :

Its been a while didn't meet up with ex colleague, so we decided to sync up to have some drink after work , since so coincident our office in also in Midvalley ( a shopping center located in KL ). And we end up meet up at Library  (For non Malaysian reader, this Library is not the actual Library which you can read books in it, this is a Pub that name Library and it renovated  more or less like Library :) sounds interesting? ) 

Talk talk talk talk.... as my tangki ( water tank - bladder ) get full just went to toilet ... after that have to wash hands right??.. then suddenly an uncle came in and shout " wuahhhh!!! I'm soo sorry !! and keep looking at the toilet sign ( as what i can see he thought he went to the ladies room) ... Then its my responsibility to tell him the truth  right?  

I told him " Its okay Uncle .... you are in the gents toilet.... just come in" But hor.... he don't believe and said.." nope... I'm not ... sorry MISS!" and stepped in the ladies...

I think he was totally drunk .. and he cant see properly I'm a MAN/ GUY after talking to me... and i just leave the toilet .. and i really don't know what will happen after the uncle stepped in the ladies...hohoho!!! Interesting!
Imagining what happened in the toilet..kekeke...

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