Monday, May 28, 2012

Massage Edition

Date Happened : 6 April 2012

Massage Edition:

I think my jobs been hectic recently ... and I had a really bad headache .... maybe due to hectic work and not enough rest within the few days.... And every time when i have headache i will naturally think of going for a massage to rest...

So i decided to go to a massage after work .... stepped in a massage center  requested 2 hours of massage.. i always take 2 hour massage ... because i can have a good sleep during the 2 hours... ( but if you had a bad skill masseur .. i will have a  really hard time of 2 hours la..  depends on your luck )

Went in to my cubical ... undressed myself ( half naked arr.. not fully naked ... you naughty naughty!! kekekekeke! )

Then a Sarawakian masseur came in ....  started to massage my back then leg hands.... half way I fell asleep... then suddenly her  colleague passed by and talked to her....

Conversation started here :

Masseur friend : Ehh....busy arr?
My masseur     : Ok lor.... customer saya tidur saja...(my customer is sleeping) 
Masseur friend : yakah..... tadi aku nampak dia ..  rambut panjang
                      (yeah , just now i saw him.....long hair....)
My Masseur     : yala.... rambut panjang mesti ada buat rebonding...kulit , tangan, kaki .. muka pun macam perempuan ...
                      (yeah man ..long hair, must be went for, hands, legs face also like a GIRL..) 
Me                 : Aku lelaki  ( Im a MAN - macho manly voice !)
My Masseur     : Mak kau! oi... bukan awak tidur....
                       (OMG ... Oii!! dont you sleeping?)

Then she keep quiet for the rest of 2 hours... but i hardly sleep as she  told her colleague that my hair / skin/ hand/ leg  and even face look like girl...

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