Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Roadside Edition

Date Happened : 6 April 2012

At Taman Megah ( one of the residential area in PJ) , Found a good parking spot .. parked nicely . And saw a Magazines store nearby ... so just walked over to see any nice magazines to buy .. hmmm.. nothing special... so just leave the shop..

When i was walking towards my car... someone tapped my shoulder(sounds scary right??  its ghost! nothing laaa) .. i turned back ... its a stranger ( a girl) , this was our conversation :

Me : Hi .. do I know u ?
She: Nope.... hey i like your TV ads :) 
Me : err... no... im never on TV 

She : Don't lie.... you are on the Double Mint Chewing gum  TVC ( Wuah suddenly i feel like a model or artist, people like my TVC - but actually really not me la... syok sendiri )

Me  : That's not me ... im not an artist 
She : nooo.. you are THE GIRL in the TVC ... your are cute....
Me  : Gulp..... do I look a GIRL to you? I'm a Guy obviously....
She : Oops......but u really look like the girl in the TVC maa...
Me: ......

Which part of me look like a girl after you talked to me..... 

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