Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mini case : Pasar Malam Edition

Date Happened : 24 May 2012

Mini cases : Pasar Malam Edition

Allright, if you dont know what is pasar malam means? ( its night market in Malaysia , and its a Malay word in language)

Its a Thursday , me and my girlfriend went to SS2 Taman Megah pasar malam, as usual plenty of peoples in the market, there are plenty of stuff you can find. 

And i love to go to the handphone accessory stall to see what is the new thing.

When i was at the stall looking around , one of the owner came to me and asked :

Owner : 啊 靓女, 找什沒吗?( Ahh PRETTY, looking for something?)

Me : Its okay  and I turned my head to her like this :
Owner : 哇!吓 死人!(wah!! scared die me (means scary la)!)

Me : 我都没有吓你。。(i didnt scared u also )

Owner : 你的头发长长像个女人吗。。。。( your hair so long, like a girl ma)

Me : Speechless...

Then she laughed happily...

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