Monday, May 14, 2012

Pub Edition

Date Happened : 20 October 2010 

Pub Edition :

Good friend came back from Australia for a short break. We all decided to have some drink after the dinner, so we went to a small pub in Damansara Utama. Reached , it was a small pub... its my first time there. But my friend used to be one of the regular customers there, once he stepped in , the PR girls came to him directly and hugged him.. i know this was his playground.

We ordered some beers and i can see those PR girls just hang around with all the guys.. and some of the just playing same games with the guys... and there are few girls also came to our table to entertain my friends... but the weird thing is those girls just dont come to me , all of them just smiled at me when they see me .... this is very weird and i was thinking what happened...

Until one of the PR girl came to me and said cheers! And i just said "cheers" to her ... she was shocked in the sudden .. and she said " OH MY GOD.... you are a GUY? .. all of us thought you are a GIRL and we dont dare to come to entertain you"

The story of this : Long hair might let you get out of trouble if you are not hamsup (pervert) , but it will gives you boringness if your are hamsup (pervert) as those girls will mistaken that you are a girl and they dont even come to uuuuuUUUUUuuuuu~~~

       Play safe dude!

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