Friday, May 11, 2012

Police Road Block 2.0 Edition

Date Happened : 3 May 2012

Police Road Block 2.0 Edition :

Okay guys , i believe  alot of you guys read the Police Road Block Edition , if you still donno what case is that please read it here ya :

Allright ... to be honest to you all... i cant believe this case got part 2 man.. which is 2.0 seems like i also on trend .. we have Lynas 2.0 and Bersih 2.0.. i have 2.0 too!

This morning , drove towards Subang .. the 1st highway after i exit from my residential area is Subang airport highway. And when i entered the highway.. there was a police road block.. this time i very confident... because i never did anything against the law when driving...

Who knows the police stopped me and told me to move to the road side again .. WTF??

Winded down my window ... and ask the police ...

Conversation start here :

Me            : Apa cerita?
                   (What's the story ?)
Police        : AMOI!!!!  I see you again! ( wuah this time speak English)

Mother of GOD...I can buy TOTO / 4D / Damachai  already , because its the police that flirted with me last time .... and he remembered me -_- I think i have to go for Mandi Buddha (Its a religion method to wash away bad luck)

Me            : Wah.... u again? So kali ini .. aku tadak buat apa salah...
                                              ( So this time I didnt do anything wrong )
Police        : Jangan takut .... awak tak buat salah ...aku nak jumpa awak saja.. boleh tak?
                  ( Dont scare ... u didnt do anything wrong .. i just wanna meet you only can?)
Me           : Eh??  Mengapa awak henti saya macam ini? bagi aku ciao ok?
                  ( Eh? why you just stopped me like this? Let me go ok?)
Police      : Jangan lah Eksen lagi... bagi lah .. handphone number and FB boleh?
                  ( Dont lah action again .... give la your mobile number and facebook can?)
Me           : Tak boleh ! Itu hak saya untuk protect saya ..
                  ( Cannot .... its my right to protect myself)
Police       : Aku polis ... aku protect you mau?
                 ( Im a police.. i protect you want?)
Me           : Cepat .. bagi saya jalan ... aku tadak masa nak .. pergi meeting
                  (Faster ... let me go .. im in rush .... have to go for meeting)
Police      : Ehlah.amoi eksen lagi..I akan tunggu awak lagi sini hari lain 
                (Ehlah.... AMOI action again ,i will wait for you here again next time )

Then i left the place with poker face..

but the more i think the more im getting crazy...

Whats wrong with u Mr.Police? You too free is it? Can you go to do something which you should do?


  1. Whoa!!! hamsap police so free ar??? So horny la police tu!!! ambik badge number dia pegi report!

  2. Hahahha Rina... but u know our police wan la..... u go police station report back their staff.... useless wei...

    1. memang useless pun....cari pasal lagi ada worrrr...corrupted kan kan

    2. yes indeed..... already corrupted long time ago... when we got robbed, we go to the police station they will tell u the place you got robbed is not under their territory ? and tell u to go to the respective police station .... it pissed me off man ...

  3. he must really like u kor!! maybe he's gay kua, like guys with long hair. not bad la, at least now u got police friend!!

    1. Mui.... i dont care he rally a gay or not la... but he should not treat me like this during his duty mar....and i think he is blind.. as he keep saying im a girl....

