Friday, March 30, 2012

Double happiness Edition

Date Happened : 14 June 2010

Double Happiness

(Double Happiness Edition ): Will have tennis straight after work .. HOORAY!! but.... before that i must get some food before my tennis, if not i will faint in the middle of the game..

So i went to the nearest Subway( Midvalley outlet) to get some sandwich ,all the people very discipline... que up to order their own sandwich, and when is my turn ...   the waiter asked me : "hi MISS can I help u? which flavor and bread you want? " I replied to him straight " is MR.. not ms" .. its not im bad .. is i have to correct people  that mistaken im a girl wan mar right?.. then he apologized to me , and those people nearby me laughed ... okay okay im making them happy . 


After that, collected my sandwich and walked over to  to carpark, before that yes we have to pay our parking fee ,after paid  and naturally we will walk to where our car located, and I dropped my parking ticket, suddenly a little girl came to me n said " KAKAK!  KAKAK!! ticket anda!!" ( means Sister! Sister![this only use to address elder lady], herewith your parking ticket!) I have to thank her and replied to her " Terima kasih , tetapi aku bukan Kakak, aku ABANG " ( means .. thank you , but im not SISTER.. and BROTHER.) and she looked shocked and ran back to her mum.... 

ME =

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shopping Mall Edition

Date Happened : 23 March 2012

Shopping Mall Edition : Its a Friday ... suppose to be very happy ... but due to some busy schedule , I only managed to get some food for my lunch at 3pm plus... walked over to 1U ( as my office just next to it ) that time.. the only food I can think is Auntie Anne Pretzel!
I ordered a Pretzel and just had it when i walked back to office. When i enjoying my Pretzel on a escalator ( that time i was happily enjoying my food ) a lady actually stood behind of me, and she wanted to overtake me. When we reached the end top of the escalator, and i didn't notice she's already next to me  and when i turned over to look at her, MY HAND ACCIDENTALLY HIT HER BUTT!!  .... OMFG!! i straight told her "I'm sooo sorry miss" .... but she don't look angry and she looks  fine ... and replied me " Its okay MISS, if its a  GUY that hit my butt i will shout" and walked away fastly... 

Hey..... i don't even have a chance to tell her im actually a guy . ( but it is kinda safe that  i didnt tell her im a guy .. if she really knew it and she might shout at will be a disaster )

Story of this :
Long hair saves life

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wedding Dinner Edition

Date Happened : 24 March 2012

Jeremiah + Roslyn

Wedding Dinner Edition : 1st of all... i have to wish my friend Jeremiah and Roslyn , congratulation!! and im very happy for both of you !

Okay .. back to topic :p  food is nice, everyone happily talking to each other .... and due to drank too much Chinese tea .. my Tangki (means water tank in Malay, but you also can say bladder to be correct la) get full easily ... so i have to go to the nearest toilet to pee..

Okay .. found the toilet .. when im on my way to the Gent's , i passed by the female's toilet  and there was a lady came out from the toilet ,  and for as usual , i just smiled at her and proceed to enter Gent's room. Mana tau ( means who know's in Malay) that lady stopped me and said "Girl !! come over here, that is Gent's room... don't go in .. dangerous .. come here!"  i just told her " hallo miss... Im a guy i should go to the Gent's, not this room - pointing at the ladies's room"... and she replied "aiyor.... y u look like a GIRL" and we both laughed ...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Gym Edition ( confused case )

Date happened : May 12 2010

"Gender donno really mixed up case or not" : As usual ...  went to gym after work. Workout done, just went into the changing room to rest and  take  bath..when im resting in the rest room ... . saw a group of uncles talking loudly and laughing among themselves.. all  their topics is about their sexual experienced with the young ladies-- wooo ( exotic nye).... don't care about them and I continue resting at the corner... after a while... one of the uncle came to me n said "hallo pretty , you  are beautiful.... wanna have a date?" My turned to stone there...I just replied him .... " no thanks uncle "

arrrrr......... errrr............. eeee..... uncle.. wrong channel ler... this is so wrong.... I still cant accept it .... Im already in the men's rest room.... obviously im not a girl anymore...confused...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Petrol Station Edition

Date Happened : 20 March 2012 

Girlfriend not feeling well...not good!...she cant take rice during fever. So i drove to the nearest petrol station to get her some bread and milk. Parked my car nicely :) walked in the petrol station kiosk, looked for bread and milk. Here it goes...when im choosing which brand of bread to buy , there is a guy keep looking at me (okay ... i felt something is wrong, if a girl keep looking at me i damn happy la..., BUT now  is a GUY that keep looking at me wei... not right at all lor) 

I looked at him and ask " wassup?" then he answered me " Cik ! you look pretty .. just like the bread  fair and soft!" with a pervert look !@#$%^&* 
I cant take it anymore ..... i just walked over to the counter pay and leave the  petrol station ... eii... where got people use bread to  describe pretty girl ( even thou im a guy la) fair and soft one... totally wrong!
WTF face

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tennis Edition

 Date happened : April 28 2010

(Tennis  edition) :It's tennis day!! ( sorry yah ... I will get very exited when I heard TENNIS) as usual .... i will go to the changing room to change my tennis outfit , after everything all done and  walked out  from the changing room. Suddenly , there was a guy  gonna enter the  room, and he saw me  and  said" ehh.???." then "gostan"( means reverse) out from the men's changing room   and entered the female changing room ...of course i know what happen la.... i don't wan those girls shout at him if he really entered the I have to shout at him and said " hey!!... here is the men's changing room!!" know what?? ... he COCK STARE at me 
 <-(Yes this is the cock stare look) 

and said .. "MISS .. next time don't simply enter Men's room can or not? "then he entered the room..... me?? VOMIT BLOOD la of course..

Friday, March 16, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date happened :  April 6 2010

Isetan Toilet 

(Toilet Edition) : Usual working days.....Had lunch with colleagues at KLCC, and went to toilet in Isetan... when I was washing my hands, a Japanese guy came in and saw me..than .. i looked at him and smile :) ( im just being friendly to him wert)  but  he staright said to me  "Gomennasai !(ごめんなさい)" (means sorry!)  and ran out from the toilet! .(err.....speechless) and i just shouted at him " zo do ma te!!" ( means wait!! in Japanese) and he never came back again"   arrr.... can't really blame him also,as  I'm wearing striking pink shirt + long hair..  kinda easily mislead people when they see me in male's toilet.... but don't just run away ...let me explain can or not? :(


= misleading (For GUY)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Drive - Thru Edition

Date Happened : March 17 2010

(Drive-thru edition):Its a pretty morning!! .. and to be honest i hardly wake up early during  the weekend..  so I decided to go for McD breakkie! drove to the nearest  Mcdonald's to get a breakkie thru drive-thru.. and usually we have to order by talking to a black box machine ( damn I hate this) .. after that ... turned over to the paying/ collecting  counter  ..  the waitress greeted me with  "good morning MADAM! here is your sausage McMufin set "

 And i had to tell her " hallo.... MR. here , not MADAM :)" then only she realized and said "sorry Mr... so sorry!!" and  she told me to wait a while and  gave me a free Milo for compensation..hohohoho!!!" it was really a pretty good morning ....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Highway Edition

Date Happened : February 28 2010

(Highway edition):Late night and its a weekend, so buddy buzzed me for a drink ... so just drove to SS2 to meet him , when on my way to yum cha ..  I stopped at the junction infront of the traffic light ( its red light at the moment) at Taman Megah (PJ)  LDP, below a flyover. I was "stoning" there la... as nothing much i can do at the traffic light , and then suddenly i saw somebody waving at me  next to my  car ( not a ghost la! don't scared!) a taxi driver srcrolled down his window and he tried to talk to me.... so i just scrolled down my car window... and he asked me  "amoi!!( means MISS..usually Malaysian used it to flirt)  nak pergi mana?( where you heading to?)" and he wanna showed off to me that he kept RAAAving  his taxi --- VrooOOOmmm Vrooommmm!!!!( Fuiyorr... Racer arr?) and then , here is the climax...traffic light turned green... i just waved at him (just to say bye!) and he wanted to followed me and he just banged a kancilMalaysia's smallest car ) infront of him ...... I just laughed at him and drove off......LOL!!!

P.S - Story of this : Never flirt with the girl in the car next to you. ( even he looks like a GIRL ) .... not safe :D

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Restaurant Edition

Date Happened : February  7  2010

Restaurant Edition : Went to a nicely decorated  Japanese  restaurant with client  , as usual.... usually Japanese restaurant will serve you unlimited free flow OCHA! ( means green tea la).. and  one of  the waiter came over to me and  said " MISS, herewith your dishes .. and . may I refill your green tea at the same time?" ... I just looked at him and said " YES PLEASE" in a very Manly  MACHO tone... and of course the shocking face again (as usual)  and said  ohh!!! sorry sir!!! very sorry !!" and maybe he felt bad he came over to me after a while and offered me    a free desert as a compensation ... not that bad thou .... weee~~" i should go to this restaurant more often :P

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Toilet Edition

Date happened : March 7 2012

( Toilet Edition ) : On my way to office toilet , a Mat Salleh ( usually this is to describe people from western country) accidentally banged on me, and as usual he apologized to me " ohh... im so sorry MISS, hey.... this is Men's toilet , Female's room at the other side , please dont come in its dangerous for you" .. I was like WTF?  and i replied him " hallo.... im a MAN, and im belong here, i think i will be happy to if i really can go in to the Female's room" ..

He was shocked ( as usual) and laughed ....and he said " Im sure you can just enter FEMALE's room, and no one will realize that you are a MAN"


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Birthday Edition

Date Happened :  January  25 2010

(BD edition):Friends had my birthday dinner with me at La La Chong ( A seafood restaurant in PJ) , as usual .. went to toilet .. when I came out from the  toilet cubical, a guy was "peeeing" and he saw me 
and gave me a  shocked look----------->

Then he ZIPPED!! his pants immediately.. and  stood at he corner of the toilet looking at me in pale ( I think his blood circulation not working well)...errr..why so scared?? what you have I also have wert ... :D

International Edition - Version 2 ( Taipei )

Date happened : December  24 2009

(international edition-version2):

HoHoHo!! Its Christmas  eve! still in Taipei ... so  me and my buddies decided to go for  a Christmas dinner :)  And we decided to have steamboat .. since its kinda famous  in Taiwan during Winter.. when we were all happily having  our nice steamboat at Taipei downtown,one of the  the waitress came to my table and said"excuse me MISS, can I refill your tea?"..I need to tell her "eeer... I'm a guy" then only she apologized... and she keep telling me " Dui Bu Qi Xiao Jie ! Dui  Bu Qi Xiao Jie!" ( means im so sorry Miss ).....before I left the shop I have to tell her " Wo Shi Nan Ren!"( Im a Man!)... DOH!!  ..BY THE WAY..I wish u all MERRY XMAS to u and Ur family ;)"

International Edition - Taipei

Date happened :  December  22 2009

International edition :

Thought of my "Gender mixed up case" will not happen in Taiwan as the people are here more sty-lo and fashionable...this case actually happened in Taipei main train station... with a group of buddies resting at at Starbucks  while waiting for our train... as usual... time to pee....
went to the washroom in.. after done  .. when I'm washing my hands uncle came in and jammed break at the entrance , he don't dare to come in and keep looking at me, and he  "gostan"(means reversed back) to look at the toilet gender sign...and he told me " Xiao Jie! Dui Bu Qi" ( means "MISS.. im sorry ") and than  ran away ... Hey!! he don't even let me to explain or tell him im a MEN..... duh.... my case happened in oversea too!!"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Work Edition

Date happened : December 16 2009

(upgraded version) : A client emailed me yesterday and said :" MISS yitung, thanks for your reply, yes we can meet up any cofee shop u like to, its LADY's choice , an air conditioned location should be great for you, as a lady u deserve it ;) hope to hear from you , thank u MADAM" never met him before and he thinks I'm a girl judge by my name.. terror..." does Yitung sound like a girl's name??

Bank Edition

Date happened :  December 7 2009

Went to OCBC bank today,one of the customer service lady came to me and said "MISS, How can I help you, by the way .. u have a very nice hair..which saloon you go to do your hair??" LOL!!

Massage Edition

Date happened : September 27 2009

Went for massage yesterday, the measure lady said "MISS, muka cantik sangat.... kulit putih....." when she massaged for me .... this is so wrong!!

Toilet Edition

Date happened : September 27  2009

Went to a  dim sum restaurant, in the toilet ,  there are 2 kids came in the toilet, one of the kid said" kor !! why got a girl in our toilet??" and the older brother told his younger brother " i also donno, faster  shi shi ( means pee in Mandarin) and run!"  whey! wearing purple t-shirt and having a long hair does not  mean I'm a girl ."
