Tuesday, March 6, 2012

International Edition - Taipei

Date happened :  December  22 2009

International edition :

Thought of my "Gender mixed up case" will not happen in Taiwan as the people are here more sty-lo and fashionable...this case actually happened in Taipei main train station... with a group of buddies resting at at Starbucks  while waiting for our train... as usual... time to pee....
went to the washroom in.. after done  .. when I'm washing my hands ..an uncle came in and jammed break at the entrance , he don't dare to come in and keep looking at me, and he  "gostan"(means reversed back) to look at the toilet gender sign...and he told me " Xiao Jie! Dui Bu Qi" ( means "MISS.. im sorry ") and than  ran away ... Hey!! he don't even let me to explain or tell him im a MEN..... duh.... my case happened in oversea too!!"

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