Friday, March 30, 2012

Double happiness Edition

Date Happened : 14 June 2010

Double Happiness

(Double Happiness Edition ): Will have tennis straight after work .. HOORAY!! but.... before that i must get some food before my tennis, if not i will faint in the middle of the game..

So i went to the nearest Subway( Midvalley outlet) to get some sandwich ,all the people very discipline... que up to order their own sandwich, and when is my turn ...   the waiter asked me : "hi MISS can I help u? which flavor and bread you want? " I replied to him straight " is MR.. not ms" .. its not im bad .. is i have to correct people  that mistaken im a girl wan mar right?.. then he apologized to me , and those people nearby me laughed ... okay okay im making them happy . 


After that, collected my sandwich and walked over to  to carpark, before that yes we have to pay our parking fee ,after paid  and naturally we will walk to where our car located, and I dropped my parking ticket, suddenly a little girl came to me n said " KAKAK!  KAKAK!! ticket anda!!" ( means Sister! Sister![this only use to address elder lady], herewith your parking ticket!) I have to thank her and replied to her " Terima kasih , tetapi aku bukan Kakak, aku ABANG " ( means .. thank you , but im not SISTER.. and BROTHER.) and she looked shocked and ran back to her mum.... 

ME =

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