Monday, March 12, 2012

Highway Edition

Date Happened : February 28 2010

(Highway edition):Late night and its a weekend, so buddy buzzed me for a drink ... so just drove to SS2 to meet him , when on my way to yum cha ..  I stopped at the junction infront of the traffic light ( its red light at the moment) at Taman Megah (PJ)  LDP, below a flyover. I was "stoning" there la... as nothing much i can do at the traffic light , and then suddenly i saw somebody waving at me  next to my  car ( not a ghost la! don't scared!) a taxi driver srcrolled down his window and he tried to talk to me.... so i just scrolled down my car window... and he asked me  "amoi!!( means MISS..usually Malaysian used it to flirt)  nak pergi mana?( where you heading to?)" and he wanna showed off to me that he kept RAAAving  his taxi --- VrooOOOmmm Vrooommmm!!!!( Fuiyorr... Racer arr?) and then , here is the climax...traffic light turned green... i just waved at him (just to say bye!) and he wanted to followed me and he just banged a kancilMalaysia's smallest car ) infront of him ...... I just laughed at him and drove off......LOL!!!

P.S - Story of this : Never flirt with the girl in the car next to you. ( even he looks like a GIRL ) .... not safe :D

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