Friday, March 23, 2012

Gym Edition ( confused case )

Date happened : May 12 2010

"Gender donno really mixed up case or not" : As usual ...  went to gym after work. Workout done, just went into the changing room to rest and  take  bath..when im resting in the rest room ... . saw a group of uncles talking loudly and laughing among themselves.. all  their topics is about their sexual experienced with the young ladies-- wooo ( exotic nye).... don't care about them and I continue resting at the corner... after a while... one of the uncle came to me n said "hallo pretty , you  are beautiful.... wanna have a date?" My turned to stone there...I just replied him .... " no thanks uncle "

arrrrr......... errrr............. eeee..... uncle.. wrong channel ler... this is so wrong.... I still cant accept it .... Im already in the men's rest room.... obviously im not a girl anymore...confused...

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